Unit bones ??? (Skinning by cocomanga)

If I like to unit bones, What must I do ???
Well if i have a mesh and I would like to unit some vertex I must select the diferent vertex, after that I must, pres ALT M (and select colaps or other).
If I would like to do somenthig similar to ALT M but with the bones, I don´t know what I must do ???
Please write me all the steps
Pre Unit
Here Equivalent ALT M butu with the bones,
Or somenthing more Easy with only 2 bones
2 bones Unit what can I do it ???
Somenbody Help me …


I’m not sure I understand your question but it sounds like you want to merge bone points. This isn’t possible, but they can be parented to another bone.

You can look at this blend setup and see if it helps you at all: 8 Bones Blend

Thanks Apollos but I don´t like that, I only like to Unit bones… Why ???
Well this question is inspirated in this tutoiral (gus)
Why I was inspirated in this tutorial, is simple
When you push CTRL D in the bones you don´t have backbone, you have this bones separated, and if woul you like to work you mus unit some bones
What must I do ??? … please help me

I wish I could help, but I just don’t understand what you are trying to say. Maybe someone on the board speaks spanish and can help better… Best of luck!

Well some body can help me, with this question ???

Select the heads of the bones (joints on fat ends), and press Shift-S -> Selection to Center

EDIT: Why exactly do you want to have them all joined up anyway? There is no requirement that all bones are linked to each other for them to work (unless they’re part of chains, in which case those that are part of the chain should be parented to each other in a chain)


Hi cocomanga,

In each of those pictures above, you can “snap” the selected bone points to the 3d cursor by pressing SHIFT+S and choosing “Selection->Cursor.”

This doesn’t actually join, or unite the points, it just puts them at the same position. In order for them to be attached, they must all be parented to another bone. They can also be connected to the parent bone.

You cannot actually “merge” the bones together. You can only connect them through a parent bone.

Look at this blend file and see if it helps: 8 Bones #2

Thank you very much for your help
Well Alligorit your anser is OK, but I need another step, because if I press Shift S, and I select onother bone (CTRL L) this bone is free, It doesn´t have a string, what it si the New Step ???
Apollos, well I was seeing your .BLEND, and I would like that you explain me,
haw you did it??
Please write me every Steps


It’s easy enough you won’t need a step by step.

In Edit mode (TAB) for each of the eight bones, make them a “child of” the root bone, in the Armature Bones panel. Also toggle on the “Con” (connected) button. That’s it!

Each of the eight bones will be parented and connected to the one root bone. Hope this helps. =D
