Unity to Blender Character Importing Issue

Hello I am new here and I just wanted to ask about an issue I have with exporting Character models from Unity and importing them into Blender. When I convert the .asset in unity into the FBX format, It works perfectly fine. The character is parented to the rig and is weight painted properly. But when I send that same FBX into blender, it breaks completely. The Character is laying down instead of standing up and the mesh is not parented to the rig. It has the Armature modifier but its not weight painted.

Welcome :tada:,
you did found something like:

or some addons:

or anything in between?


Thanks you for the reply, I use the built in FBX converter in the unity package manager. It exports the Character perfectly when I export just the mesh, But when I try to export it with the rig, it doesn’t work.

Maybe the reason is the different aproaches of coordinates directions…? In the blender importer ou can switch directions… for the geometry and the armature… (the cog wheel icon on the right in the file selector)… ?

If this helps, this is the error code that I get when I export the character with the rig.

Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\blender-3.2.0-alpha+master.bf80dc2bd4ac-windows.amd64-release\3.2\scripts\addons\io_scene_fbx\__init__.py", line 200, in execute
    if import_fbx.load(self, context, filepath=path, **keywords) == {'FINISHED'}:
  File "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\blender-3.2.0-alpha+master.bf80dc2bd4ac-windows.amd64-release\3.2\scripts\addons\io_scene_fbx\import_fbx.py", line 2847, in load
    _(); del _
  File "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\blender-3.2.0-alpha+master.bf80dc2bd4ac-windows.amd64-release\3.2\scripts\addons\io_scene_fbx\import_fbx.py", line 2844, in _
    root_helper.link_hierarchy(fbx_tmpl, settings, scene)
  File "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\blender-3.2.0-alpha+master.bf80dc2bd4ac-windows.amd64-release\3.2\scripts\addons\io_scene_fbx\import_fbx.py", line 2339, in link_hierarchy
    child.link_hierarchy(fbx_tmpl, settings, scene)
  File "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\blender-3.2.0-alpha+master.bf80dc2bd4ac-windows.amd64-release\3.2\scripts\addons\io_scene_fbx\import_fbx.py", line 2295, in link_hierarchy
    (mmat, amat) = mesh.armature_setup[self]
KeyError: prefab-id-v1_avtr_cb34b102-e44d-4e99-80f7-3beb4d378af1_8375103040

I know this is an old thread, but I wanted to share the fix I found because I was running into the same issue. Opening the FBX in Noesis and re-exporting it gave me a file that fixed all the errors I was having when importing it to Blender.