Unity3D and the new EU copyright?

You all know who unity3d is. But did you know unity3d is a EU company? Other than the game engine, what about the asset store?

I believe Unity’s HQ these days is based in California (near Silicon Valley), not the EU.

The new copyright laws in Europe will not take effect immediately because each country has two years to implement it, that is after a final vote in April and after the European elections.

Unity3D makes the users on the website agree to EU laws. When the EU laws change, so does unity3d agreement.

I think that all of this is much too new to properly support speculation on our part at this time.

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What kind of potential issue are you seeing?

The problem that I think coudl result, is the unity3d asset store. Although I don’t have assets in there, I would like maybe one day be able to sell on it. But if they are limited by the EU copyright laws, then this might not ever happen. Are they an american or british company? I don’t know at the moment. I had assumed they where EU company, because of the license agreement, also their compliance with EU privacy laws.

In what way do you anticipate that copyright laws would affect your ability to sell your own assets on an asset store?

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Do you want to resell copyrighted material?

I think Unity is a Danish company. If you want to sell your own creations on the asset store I don’t see why the new laws would stop you to do so?

It has been a while, but last I recall the Unity store was kinda schizophrenic with how they enforced copyright, some days they are doing a good job, and other days they behave in such a way as to make one wonder what mind altering substance they are on.

A personal instance from my past was posting an asset to several stores including unity, and getting a rejection letter from unity because someone had already flipped my asset from another store to post it on unity. And the discussion I had with them was about as fruitful as using facts in a politics discussion on social media…Personally I’ll look into them a year or so after they get settled in with the new copyright laws, but till then I’ll do my bloodpressure a solid and avoid talking with those idiots.

If you could objectively and legally demonstrate that you had claimed and registered copyright to the materials, and that you had complied with all of the notice requirements and so forth, why would there be an issue selling that material in an on-line store? (No, I’m curious.)

Obviously, anyone who’s running a store has to protect himself against accusations of “contributory infringement,” so that someone who goes after you doesn’t also go after them, perhaps hoping that they have more money than you do. But you can “mind your P’s and Q’s,” no matter what it is that you are selling. (For example, if you want to sell a song in the USA, you’d better pony-up your $35 and register it first.) It’s what a lawyer would call, “due diligence.”

It was a registered copyright, but unity “does not make mistakes” when it comes to copyright, but quite frankly yes I Can resolve those issues but the time investment is so not worth it. Why do I want to sell to a store that is requires I spend an extra 5-25 hours a month dealing with bureaucratic idiocy when there are so many other and better options out there.

No, personally I hope this gets unity to clean up their act, but right now even with registered copyrights it is simply not worth the time to deal with them when someone swiped your IP and sells it there. They are anything but helpful to the process and thus far it has been my experience that they do everything to make the process as difficult as possible, I rank the experience somewhere between dealing with student loan companies and the VA.

Could you please elaborate a bit on this? I am especially interested in what shops you used and under which license you sold that asset.