This might be a stupid question but I’m curious why blender doesn’t have a universal update system for plug-ins like how steam, origin, uplay etc have a system where all installed games can be updated really easily with a single click. i know it’s super hard to do that because blender doesn’t actually host the add-ons on their servers like game stores but i feel there must be a better way than the current method of going through your 20 add-ons and uninstall them & download the new version & install it.
I´ed like to add Blender need an update system anyway not only for Addons as @ARC9 mentioned. Best is incremental update, it need only a few MB download instead of 150 MB, unzip or install again.
As an update to Blender 2.81a is possible it would be nice to have such a system.
Cheers, mib
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Yeah that’s true. I also just remembered 99% of my add-ons are bought from the blendermarket by @cgcookie. it seems like they’re the best candidate for making a universal update add-on for all their products on the blendermarket
Edit: they replied
Looks like they’re already thinking about it, but it’s been categorized as a long-term project.
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