Unknown Specimen

Processed image



This is something unusual, i usually don’t do this kind of sci-fi abstract scenery, i was just trying and this one turned out ok!

Everything is done in Blender with final post processing in Gimp! hope you like it!!

If you want to see more of my work you can check it out on my Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/davi_pica3d/


Awesome! I love the simple volumes, the great readability of the image and the moody feeling :heart:
Regarding GIMP post-processing, do you have any advice for efficient color grading? I find myself guessing a lot and relying on third party apps, which is annoying. Really love the processed color scheme

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thanks i’m glad you like the final result, this type or subject was new to me so i experimented a bit.
Reguarding the color grading i did everything with rgb curves, i just tweaked them until i got a palette i liked. When you have to color grade your images you need to know what color you’re aiming at or at least the mood of the image (cold or warm), then is all experimentig and trying!!

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Thanks a lot! So no magic, good old try an error… Damn I knew it! :smiley:
Thanks for the advice, and can’t wait to see more from you

Very good​:clap::clap::clap::clap:

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Great work, congrats.

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!