In this pair of blend files (which need to be in the same directory), an aeroplane model is linked to an animation file. I want to make the animation file independent so that it is completely stand-alone and I can do away with the model file. I’ve tried “File > External data > pack all into blend” and also “Object > Make Local > All” but neither of these options unlink the plane so that it becomes part of the animation file.
Short of reimporting as unlinked, how can I free up the plane so that it is an ordinary object within the animation file?
From the wiki:
Making a DupliGroup Object Real Say you want to make further edits on an DupliGroup instance or render the DupliGroup in Yafaray or some other render that does not support importing DupliGroups directly:
Simply select your DupliGroup and press Ctrl⇧ ShiftA to convert the DupliGroup into regular objects that can be transformed and animated normally.
Thanks for the info. I found that CTRL+SHIFT+A didn’t unlink the file (the mesh was still uneditable), although it allowed me to copy the plane as an editable copy. Parenting was lost during CTRL+SHIFT+A, and objects needed to be re-parented, as well as animation actions re-linked through the animation editor.