Unreal Digital Humans reference page

The Unreal 4 digital humans reference page, surely this could be useful for texturing in Eevee, some great real-time character demos on that page as well!

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i saw their stream and was really excited for this, what we need now is a seamless workflow between blender 2.8 and UE4, someone should make a Live Link ,because BGE won’t be expected for a long time.

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I wonder if the final of Eevee will look as good, at the moment it doesn’t, but 2.8 is not even beta yet, so lets hope it does, imagine that quality, in real-time, or at least close to real-time, from inside Blender!

As someone who uses Unreal, this is good news :- )

the article is amazing, very useful informations
the new eye shader uses One-Surface-technique which cryengine uses too, see this
refraction stretching.

well EEVEE is not a full game engine it’s just a PBR viewport that gives you best approximation to what AAA game engine does, i think in the future when hardware becomes more powerful and vulkan is the new API standard, then’ll it be easy to implement that in a DCC program.

Eevee is also advertised as a fast final render engine, now imagine if we could have something as good as Unreal to render character animation right inside Blender, that would be amazing!

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well after seeing Daniel Bystedt ‘tree Creature’ demo, i think it’s possible especially if it’s done by someone professional with deep knowledge in this area .and EEVEE development is just in it’s early stages so from now on, it’ll only get better, the future is promising :slight_smile:

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I rendered some tests in Eevee, and it is promising!

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