In the UE5 Early Access release, Lumen is still actively being developed to target the next generation of consoles and high-end PCs. It may not yet support some features well (like instanced foliage), or at all (like reflections on translucent materials).
Here we go, Nanite needing specific GPU requirements
In the UE5 Early Access release, Nanite does not yet work with all engine features or all material types. In addition, it has specific GPU requirements beyond the base requirements for UE5.
In Unreal Engine 5 Early Access, Virtual Shadow Maps are still being actively developed. They support a wide range of geometry and material types. However, in cases where a geometry or material type is not yet supported, UE5 will fall back to traditional shadow mapping.
What is going on, is Lumen too expensive and lacks optimisation ?
I got default empty TPS template runs 20 to 45 fps on UE5 EA , while it’s 120 Fps on UE4.
UE5 is just not ready.
But i really appreciated the real time global illumination really high quality and the great new editor interface
The Unreal forum thread on what it will take to run the demo (Valley of the Ancients).
Not only is the filesize 100 gigabytes for one level, but the PC you need (for decent framerates) is literally not that far from the best consumer hardware money can buy (12 core CPU, an RTX 2080, 64 Gigs of RAM). They do not even have the requirement for 60 frames per second (which I assume would require a 10K workstation).
That does not even mention that a comfortable margin for storage might be on the order of an enterprise scale SSD (which in turn would mandate getting the workstation). Unreal 5 is actually going to be too expensive for indies if the feature-set is to be fully utilized. Even if you can afford the hardware, good luck trying to find millions of rich gamers who can buy your game and run it.
Nanite and Lumen are about Next Gen consoles XSX and PS5 and PC equivalent hardware and specific use like movies for example.
Nothing new.
Small indie studios or indie lonewolf developper can make a Next Gen game.
For stylized and other kind smaller gamesnon Next Gen, indeed you don’t need Nanite or Lumen.
You can disable Nanite and Lumen in UE5 so you can make games for any hardware.
But you benefit all others new improvments about physics, dynamic sounds programming, or new motion systems.
Looks like there’s some artificial occlusion (under the couch, etc) in addition to actual light bounces, and reaction to lighting changes takes a while. The result is of course still impressive but I guess mostly suited to gradual time of day changes rather than sudden ones.
In the initial demo, the collapsing rocky ceiling did not immediately trigger light bounces it seems, but it was almost instantaneous - here the lag is more noticeable.
What I’m really stoked about is the new rigging capabilities. If the blueprint system allows users to create custom constraints, it’s potentially a game changer for animation. Anybody knows if UE can do rigging as well as DCCs ? I mean weight painting, constraints, ik, etc.
@Ace_Dragon , this is a preview. By the time it’s properly out and supports most configurations, consumer hardware will have changed quite a bit. It’s future-proof is what it is. They even mention fallbacks such as shadow maps for running on lower end hardware.
I did mention if the feature set is fully utilized. Sure, you can use the engine with none of the next-gen stuff (and thereby make a game that can be played today instead of years into the future), but you would be working in an engine with all of these features of tomorrow taunting you and tempting you (so what to do if Epic makes everyone upgrade if they want to see new features period).
Unity was already doing great years before, sometimes i find it more impressive than Unreal 5 demos
I don’t think.
But perhaps there is some plugins i’m not aware of doing that.
You have full IK control with Blueprints
I think the animation editing is more about editing cinematics or fine tuning some animations without having to launch a modeler.
I’m not sure it’s made for making full game animations even if that would be possible.
play around a bit with lightings, while lumen looks very nice in general, it does seem to be screen-based, at least for indoor scenes, albeit it’s a generational leap from normal SSGI, the lighting consistence would still be a problem for indoor scene especially the camera is looking away from the light source.
It is not screen-based. It is raytracing into a simplified representation of the scene constructed from the distance field data. Seems to be a lot like the old SVOGI except real raytracing has replaced the cone-tracing so it can take advantage of modern raytracing hardware.
There’s a visualization layer for it so you can poke around in there. It’s pretty neat.
However, the performance and memory requirements kinda suck. I got 6GB with just a basic scene with a few objects in a small space. Though that’s probably better when it’s running standalone instead of in the editor.
yeah I thought the same… still no heavy vegetation scene showcased…
One of things that impressed me the most however was the fact that the big bad guy was animated in engine with a full IK solver and the mesh if I remember correctly is over 15 million poligons. I think most 3d program would choke with a rig over such a high poly mesh?