Unreal imported camera not working

I have a camera and one mesh imported from unreal as FBX.

But the object is not visible in the camera. For example, in frame 218 the following is visible in unreal

But in Blender, it’s not visible.

I changed the clip start-end settings in Blender, as below

but it didn’t do anything.

And when you play the camera, this is how it looks (weird trembling):

The following are the settings of Camera:

As for the size of the scene, this is how the size looks:

The thing to note about this unreal camera is that it is upside down. But I don’t see why that would cause an issue.

Please help.

Well… showing the setting does not help ig we do not know about the size of the scene…
also for the shaking… i do no recognize direclty what we see there… it seems the fbx provides some animation data… maybe the “movement points” are wrongly exported or imported…

FBX is not the best documented fileformat… :person_shrugging:

Is there any way to find out if movement points are exported wrong?

As for the size of the scene, this is how the size looks:

The thing to note about this unreal camera is that it is upside down. But I don’t see why that would cause an issue.

Also updated the same in the original question.

So for the clipping… ( i just saw your “exact” values now :sweat_smile: ) 0.000001 to infinity… is a rreeeeall bbbiiiggggg scope… i would guess 100,000 to 200,000 meter would be a some better suited values…

…for the camera position… well… switching to the animation workspace should show you if the values changes ever frame… and if the frame numbers and length do fit…

…also this may help:

Thank you for your response! The link you sent, not sure how it applies to camera exported from unreal. :sweat_smile: And for the animation workspace, not sure what I’m supposed to look for.

I attached the blender file here which has the mountain (invisible on camera) and the camera exported from unreal.

Would you be able to tell what’s wrong with this?

I got it, the camera’s clip settings were different from the viewport’s clip settings and that had to be extended. Not sure about the trembling though.

You are almost there…
just tried… camera and viewport set to :

  • Clip Start 10.000m (10km)
  • Clip End 300.000m (300km)

and no shaking…
somehwere after frame 1550 the mountain is out of sight anyway…