Unselecting Large Groups of Vertices

I haven’t been able to find anything useful on Google about this and all the documentation I find has info on selecting vertices but not on unselecting them. I know I can select a lot of vertices with B and use either a square or circular bounding box, then unselect by holding shift and right-clicking the vertices I want to unselect. What I cannot find is a way to unselect a large number of vertices. Is there any way to use a bounding square or circle to unselect a group of selected vertices? If that doesn’t work, is there any way to unselect more than one vertex at a time?


Shft-Ctrl-LMB drag. It’s just laso-select with Shft.


Or use the B-B circular paintbrush selector thing and middle-click/drag over things. Possibly also alt-left-click, if you have emulate-3-buttons on.

You can also use “B + MMB”.