Hi !
I’m starting a game project and this thread will help me stay motivated and focused.
Updates will be posted as I make progress.
Dropbox folder
Hi !
I’m starting a game project and this thread will help me stay motivated and focused.
Updates will be posted as I make progress.
Dropbox folder
Can you give us some more details? =P
Like, what’s the game about? What kind of game is it? Do you have anything to show for it yet?
hey, gotta start somewhere.
Yeah, for sure! I’m just giving some constructive criticism
Thanks Michelle and Skormeus.
This is the first day of development so I don’t have anything to show but I will setup a dropbox folder and share it here so you can follow the development anytime you want. It will be posted in the first post once I set it up.
To answer you questions Michelle, this game will be developed without a plan or a goal, I just want to have fun and do stuff I couldn’t do on other more serious projects.
I do have some ideas that inspire me and force me to start making this, but I would love for you to experience them not read them here.
This is the best game made with BGE I ever seen… very nice graphics and gameplay, keep it up the good work!
In my personal experience, every game I’ve developed that way has gone nowhere. My advice in this field is, if you’re just doing it to learn, don’t set up public threads or anything public for people to follow progress. To be frank, people won’t really care if they’re not given a reason to. Just think of an idea and go with it until you run out of steam, then do it again. Once you have a serious project in mind, THEN go for threads and dropboxes and keep development chugging. Threads and blogs are for projects you seriously care about. =P
Sorry to be so blunt. Don’t take this the wrong way; I want to see you succeed, That’s why I’m offering this advice.
Thanks for the advice Michelle.
I will keep this thread and share my dropbox folder because someone might want to use my files for their project.
Dude, you don’t have to be a jerk.
That’s a good idea, too! =P
I hope this project can teach you stuff. Every time I fail, I know a little bit more. One day I’ll finish all of my cool ideas, but until then I’ve got to finish at least one of them, hahaha
My own project has grown with my skills,
python has also
helped organize my thoughts.
there are little bumps on the surface,
one day they will be mountains.
Update in the dropbox folder, mouse look and WASD movement
Once you get some proper textures and stuff going maybe you could post some content (images or videos).
I’d also suggest packaging files (file>external data> automatically pack into .blend) so that they can be played by just downloading the .blend instead of having to download lots of different files.
I will leave it to others to post screenshots and videos if they like the game, my pc is old andslow so it wouldn’t look as good.
Packing external files is pretty useful but in this stage of development I prefer to keep stuff in folders. You can download the folder as a zip file and extract it anywhere, all paths are relative so it will work.
Thanks for suggestions.
Added the ability to build stuff by entering the build mode with right mouse click and build with left click. Started making a simple save-load module but its not working right now.
You don’t have to keep it packed. Just pack into the.blend and save it as a separate file and upload that .blend less people are going to try your game the more inconvenient you make it.