Unwrap loose parts individually with overlapping UV

uv unwarp individually.blend (178.1 KB)

Lets say you press L to select vertices linked to that invidual part, then you press U U to unwrap. I need to do that X number of times, for the number of loose objects. Sometimes there can be hundreds of these. I would have to press L U U. L U U over and over. Is there a way to just tell Blender to do this action over every loose part?

with a single button click…

I need to go from this:

to this:

If you want all the coords in the same space, just unwrap first, before you duplicate. I think there’s a way to copy UV coords also.

My friend Modron, please realize that questions like this are asked for problem solving, flexibility of work flow, etc. It is not viable to start over with certain projects. The question is asked and the circumstance is final in this case.

Coping UV coordinates apparently only works when the vertices remain “unshuffled” where each vertex id is the same across objects for the corresponding given vertex. I don’t know how that works, but I need a step by step rather than a suggestion.

I offered you two solutions. Did you try googling for “blender copy UV coordinates”?

Are you talking about Magic UV? It just crashes or fails to do what seems to be the intention.

Well, other than that, there’s a paid addon that will do it, called UVPackmaster that is available at BlenderMarket.

What is the feature called? I do have UVPackmaster.

sorry I can’t recall. It’s in the docs though.

UVPackmaster has the ability to sort like the second image.

UVPackmaster 3 for Blender [Tutorial 2]: UV aligning (stacking). (youtube.com)

If you need a simple sorting function, you can use TexTools.

It is called " STACK" Or “UV STACKING” … It will only work if all UVs are the same… The only place I have seen it is in Zen-UV… but do a search and see if there is something else…

best solution would be a script that does

“in edit mode: unwrap each loose part one at a time”


“in object mode: unwrap each selected object one at a time”