Beautiful, simple image - the textures are great, as is composition, etc.
And welcome aboard!
Thank you so so much!
nice render! how did you achieve the clouds?
Volumetric in cycles there are some you can find on blendswap
I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend
Omg thank you sooooo much this is amazing
Awesome I love it
It’s got a nice Polar Express feel to it.
This is quite a beautiful render! How did you capture that soft dreamline gradient between the edge of clouds and the night sky? Where the stars added in post?
Great work!
I think it could look a tad better with a bit more density, or more shadows in it though, depends on taste and what look you aim for of course, so just a little of it perhaps.
Aw man I love it! You should do an animation of it