Up Up and Away! WIP

I have to work on the balloon material and add some little things to the house like the hose. I always appreciate critique.

I would crop it so the image is more vertical. Whats interesting in this image is the house with ballons. Right now 50% of the image is nothing but sky. And tilt the camera down and have a Town or hills or something in the background.

I agree. But I am trying to re-create this scene/wallpaper: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-mN9AHqyLBLY/VFohAxNIrgI/AAAAAAAAE1I/WJmGVZ1Hug0/s1600/Up%2BHouse%2Bwith%2Bballoons.jpg

Of course I cannot produce very similar result. But I can at least try to get close to it. :slight_smile:

The balloons need proper translucency and sharper reflections in my opinion.
The translucency will also make the ‘bunch of balloons’ look less dark!