[UPBGE 0.3] Displace modifier doesn't work with object from addObject method

[UPBGE 0.3]
Hello I’m working on creating my VFX and I have a problem with displaying of displace modifier in the realtime.

In blend file I made it in 2 type of object
1 prototype object. the displace mod in prototype object works as I expect.
2 object from addObject method. (you need to hide all of prototype object and show the empty named Empty.001 to see it) in this type of object, the displace mod doesn’t work as I expect. so, I don’t know what I’m missing.

lightning_vfx.blend (1.1 MB)

Please help me. Thank you so much.

or anyone has anotherway to get the result that looks like displace modifier do.
I am pleased to learn.