############################################################################### Any Upbge user can participate creating some tutorial or template, or adding new ones, this will help a lot to get beginners at ease learning Upbge.
Post your links to your example or template made with the new logic nodes addon, so we can test , give feedback and include them on Github and Upbge release package.
- TPS basic - FPS basic - Top down object movement - Static turret mouse control
##################### Templates to make #####################################
space ship game
vehicle control
Make Marble examples as one big template.
(add other gameplay , UI for player ball stats and score ,enemies patroling ,collectible items ,
menu and level selection)
----------------- game essentials -----------------
menu (start , options) , loading and playing a scene
saving and loading logic node properties variables
----------------- effects -----------------
particles effects (Upbge addon)
----------------- Scene templates ----------------
Time of day system with logic nodes
Disclaimer :
Those examples and templates will help beginners for learning and will allow others users to prototype to quickly start new game projects.
This sounds like it would make a perfect tutorial series Partly because not all of this is possible using just nodes, so there would be an advanced Python section too (vehicles for example)
I honestly would stick to more basic templates at first, I can start making videos sometime this week
Yes, we should stick to the basic made in logic nodes only.
About things only possble in python code, this shows logic nodes are lacking features, so perhaps make those instead of proposing to beginners to write code.
For example many fames made in Unreal are fully blueprints.
For example the write string variables to a file should be a new node “save to file” with some array of string in input.
About the fps and tps tutorial examples, they should be doable with logic nodes only.
Sorry, i don’t want to be harsh but it’s too early for requests as we are just starting to make the essential tutorials and we need to focus on those first.
Later perhaps we will be proposing a new thread about tutorial ideas people would like, why not.
True that, I was thinking about camera snapping there… but that should actually be doable with nodes too I just programmed that out every time until now
About the variables, the save variable node does just that though, you can plug in whatever value you like, as long as it’s json serializable, as an alternative you can save global values and have them flagged as persistant so they are carried over to the next session - That’s the parts where tutorials or docs will come in incredibly handy, actually KNOWING what the nodes do exacly
The camera object seem to not work with logic nodes, it does not translate using a translate node using update event and big enough values.
I must delete the reflection probe baking cache otherwise i got 17Mo Blender files for each example.
And i must add “beglogic” to examples to make it work.
I could test your tps-template, it’s a great template, and logic nodes are easy to understand (at least for me).
The tps is good, but i suggest to keep for each the same presentation as the tps
the viewport with camera view
logic nodes view below
text editor view aside logic view with minimal instructions.
The folder is just where the generated logic is stored, you can simply download the blend as standalone, that folder is generated as soon as you press “Update Code” or change a value in the node tree
I’ll quick check your file and add it I’ll need a link to it though
Note: Most recent version of FPS and TPS might not work yet, because there’s a new node in there that’s not in the current UPBGE release
How to make collision trigger volumes ? For example detect when player objects enters the volume and add a force pushing it in the air ?
I used a cube with physic type sensor, but the logic node “Collision” deos not detect anything.
For player health bar i tried a second scene with a plane object, in logic i added to first scene as additive scene withe the logic node “Add scene” but nothing happends ?
If the player camera moves and rotates, does the additive scene camera follows the player main scene camera ?
About bugs, using “Object Data” to change color does not work.
Yeah, the scene one is already mentioned in an issue on github, it’s because the new UPBGE only supports one scene and instead works with overlay collections, I’ll have to update the nodes to make that work as intended, for now you can execute the collection actuator from your tree
and the object color one I know about as well, I had the same thing with setting light colors, I think I know how to fix that
Trigger volumes are done by setting the physics type to sensor and detecting collisions with that object (make sure your player is marked as actor, though)
I’ll wait for the addons update for scenes overlay and HUD.
Does updating addons directly works with all previous work that have been made or must we delete some files cache kind stuff ?
For GitHub, perhaps it’s best to put all your templates in some “templates folder” and add a new folder “Marbe game tutorials”; or do you prefer all example tutorials staye separate ?
For the tutorials I’ll use youtube and the release section of the template repository for the finished projects
Whenever I update the addon, you’d have to reinstall it, which ain’t that easy since UPBGE comes with it packed already:
Go to your UPBGE Release, go to scripts->addons and delete bge_netlogic, then follow the git install instructions to install the latest version; You can also download the repository As-Is and rename the downloaded zip to bge_netlogic, then install it, should about do the same
Then sometimes it can occur that a node has an additional socket or one less or something like that, it’s not quite finished, after all, but I’ll keep the templates up and running when changing something
Normally the Addons Git from upbge gets updated by lordloki every few days when something changes
But about the marble tutorial series, must i stop continue making them if you won’t upload them to GitHub ? Perhaps it’s better you making Youtube tutorials instead ?
Thanks, but i’ll wait for the next Upbge release instead.
About logic nodes, i see animations for armature, but i don’t see a node to play simple objects animations actions that does not use armature ?
Could this be added ?
Also i created a door using armature, with logic nodes i play open and close, but the player physic ball is unable to go through when it’s open most of the time.
Do we need to update some door physic volume or something else when the animation plays ?
This is the volume trigger zone example in case you want to test it.
Actually the “Armature Object” can be a regular object as well, it simply looks for actions in that objects dataset
Well, if you want to make a tutoria series, that’s up to you, ultimately
What I’m doing now is collecting templates for the repository linked to the addon-repo
When doing the tutorial series, I would make tutorials for UPBGE in general, which happens to be able to use nodes; That is because in another thread I read many are missing an introductory experience or even advanced functionality tutorials, which I would like to look into
As for the door problem, that might have something to do with the physicsMesh, I couldn’t take a look now, but as you used armatures, you might have to do reinstancePhysichsMesh for the object (not a node right now)
I thaught about you would make a new GitHub directory where you would upload good logic nodes examples from other people (like the marble tutorial i’m making), but nevermind.
Download links i’ve posted will not be available after some time.
Perhaps you will cover the most tutorials items on this thread ?
For Upbge distribution package and learning, i think the best would be to include templates and tutorials, for anyone not using Youtube to get all material to learn.
The “play animation” logic node does not work when the object does not have an armature.
The only logic node entry is “armature” there is no “Object” entry.
For whole physic objects animations actions the “Play animation” node works without needing armature.
Just keep the object as a static, and save keyframes actions with LocRotScale.
Exactly, more good examples can get Upbge on Github (why not also included on the release package) about logic nodes, the better for new beginners.