Please find enclosed UPBGE 0.3 Pinball V3 Game Upgrade.
Recommended Graphic Card Nvidia Gforce 2070 & an intel i7. (else it will struggle)
Game Features
1 - 4 Player selection,1 -3 Ball selection, High score Board, Slingshots, Bumpers, Targets & Loop rankers, Loop circuit, Ball saver, Auto plunger, Bonus scores,
Dmd animations, Queue Text code, Bonus multiplier, Table Animations, Ball colour actions, Multi-Ball, Extra ball, Ball Trailer, Plunger Lane, Spinner hinge actuators, Match the Last 2 Digits, rollover lights & a mouseover feature.
V3.2615_UPBGE v30
Xtimes the score now runs a code & has reduced the logic brick rows. The Xtimes counter has no limit which will multiply 100/200/300 bonus points during score fast injections.
Introduced an Addscore for all table hit objects. It is now easier to manipulate the in game scoring attitude. Player1,2,3 & 4 logic brick rows reduced as a result.
Last Two digits,Jackpot & Score Rankers are now managed by the object Addpoints .py modules.
The Xtimes animation for the round targets will now run on the HUD1 board.
Reduced the target bonus raiser counter increments which is supported by a addpoints bonus & multiplier code module that is updated by the table hit objects .py addPoints modules.
Transferred the py module .inplay, .state=1, property[âQtxt1â]=0 & property[âQtxtâ]=0 from all Queue Txt Animation Logic Bricks to the .py module script.
Utilized the âimport QueueQtxt as scriptâ to run âscript.inPlaystate()â module. (More Logic brick reductions as a result).
A more realistic Target combination route feature with jackpot introduced which is managed by a .py module.
Targets & lights now reset with an updated increment delay timer.
keyboard input removed from player1,2 & 3 name entry text property. Now running the name entry for all players from the Hud boarder property in HUD5. Keyboard AllKeys now runs a .py script. The Allkeys keyboard will only run the scripted characters during text injections. Name text length has also been extended to 10 characters. Sub routine def At(@): is run by key apostrophe or single quotation mark through a .py module.
10.Redesigned the Square & Round Target Action animations.
11.An Addpoints .py module introduced for the ball colour score points/jackpot awards. (more logic bricks reduced as a result).
12.An Addpoints .py module added for the wormhole feature. (which has also reduced more logic bricks).
13.A .py module is now running the Last Two digit feature that runs after the players last ball. Players Last Two Digit Logic Bricks reduced.
14.RollOver now runs a module with a rollover module using the âimport AddPnts_RollOver as scriptâ to run âscript.RollOverAddpnts()â moduleâŚ
15.All drop Targets are now pulse triggering.
16.All Animations updated with new additions.
17.Brought Bumper1,2 & 3 into line with the loop circuit & spinner score attitude. Table scores now adds the total points to the table text display before it zeros out.
18.Updated the Queue Txt animation localPosition XYZ axis which will put the text in the write position so that it hugs the screen & allows for a better Action key frame setup for all Table View options.
19.The Text action script now runs Action animation. (more logic brick reductions)
20.Removed more bugs from the Queue text animations + added more remarks & removed redundant properties.
21.Another style Txt animation added to Bumper123 Queue Text animation Bumper ranked script. (6 to rotate/randomise now).
22.Bugs to report:
*1. A near sensor that moves down & up on its Z axis fails to sense a rolling ball when the object returns back to its original Z axis position. (It appears as thought the object has left the near sensor behind). (More testing to be done just in case my set up is not correct))
*2. In game the debug reports back that it is in state=3. The print(âdebug=â,debug.state) reports back that it is in state=4.
*Logic brick states are in line with each other, Script states do not come into line with the Logic bricks. When debugging script states, State3=State4 & State4=State8.
*Logic bricks states recognise logic brick states without issues & Script states will recognise script states without issues. Just something to be aware of!
Work to be done
Write a Magna ball feature code.
Remove new bugs.
Manufacture a shake the table event.
Manufacture more script which can contribute towards the reduction of frames per second usage during game play.
Manufacture a Vari target for the old multi-ball ramp.
Add some artwork to the table.
Bring into play the underground skittles room.
introduce arcade style moving hologram targets.
Reduce the long logic brick rows with the use of py script support.
10.Introduce py xyz position code which will gobble & respawn the ball during game play.
11.Skittle target & slingshot holes to be cut.
14.Ball ramp to be introduced.
15.Scroll Over Right & Left, Scroll Over Up & down text animations to be added + Action inventions.
16.Bring in to play the hud1 image screen which will run with the Queue text animations
17.Report bugs to GitHub UPBGE Devs Team.
In âGame Play Camera Modeâ under âViewport Shadingâ check that the âScene Lightsâ check box has been checked : else the lights will not function.
In Edit / Preferences / Addons check Game Engine Logic Nodes. Else ball trailer nodes will not run.
Please enjoy & rob what you can from it if you wish.
Upgrades with bug fixes to Pinball V3 can be downloaded from
The drop target Xtimes multiplier now runs its own âTxtQ XTimesScore_DrpTgtâ animation which will update the âX Times the BonusAni.002â dmd text box just before it runs the animation. The round target Xtimes multiplier will also run its own âTxtQ XTimesScore_RndTgtâ animation which will also update the âsharedâ âX Times the BonusAni.002â dmd text box prior to running the animation.
In introduced 4 more scrollover text routes. (scrollOver_Left & scrollOver_Right to centre, scrollOver_Left & scrollOver_Right through the left & right Dmd boarders) ( now has 10 text style variations).
In introduced more global dims which allowed the code lines to be reused for the extra scroll over features.
In removed duplicated reminder comments.
Kicker1 & 2 Hole cylinder walls have been turned into wall collections.
The multiball kickers have been completely reinvented. A XYZ position code now controls the ball when it hits the gobbler, made good use of UPGBE restoreDynamics() & suspendDynamics() code methods which stabilised the ball whilst suspended in the gobbler prior to the ball kickout event. The XYZ position code also controls the ball kick out event.
New objects added to the table.
The XYZ position .py module script has now replaced the addobject & endobject logic brick actuators.
Reduced & Repositioned the multiball targets.
10.All gobblers now run the ball trailervisibility=0.
Please enjoy & rob what you can from it if you wish.
Upgrades with bug fixes to Pinball V3 can be downloaded from the Dropbox link above
Please find enclosed UPBGE 0.3 Pinball V3 Game Upgrade.
Recommended Graphic Card Nvidia Gforce 2070 & an intel i7. (else it will struggle)
Game Features
1 - 4 Player selection,1 -3 Ball selection, High score Board, Slingshots, Bumpers, Targets & Loop rankers, Loop circuit, Ball saver, Auto plunger, Bonus scores,
Dmd animations, Queue Text code, Bonus multiplier, Table Animations, Ball colour actions, Multi-Ball, Extra ball, Ball Trailer, Plunger Lane, Spinner hinge actuators, Match the Last 2 Digits, rollover lights & a mouseover feature.
2647_UPBGE v30
In âGame Play Camera Modeâ under âViewport Shadingâ check that the âScene Lightsâ check box has been checked : else the lights will not function.
In Edit / Preferences / Addons check Game Engine Logic Nodes. Else ball trailer nodes will not run.
Please enjoy & rob what you can from it if you wish.
Upgrades with bug fixes to Pinball V3 can be downloaded from the Dropbox link above
Please find enclosed UPBGE 0.3 Pinball V3 Game Upgrade.
Recommended Graphic Card Nvidia Gforce 2070 & an intel i7. (else it will struggle)
Game Features
1 - 4 Player selection,1 -3 Ball selection, High score Board, Slingshots, Bumpers, Targets & Loop rankers, Loop circuit, Ball saver, Auto plunger, Bonus scores,
Dmd animations, Queue Text code, Bonus multiplier, Table Animations, Ball colour actions, Multi-Ball, Extra ball, Ball Trailer, Plunger Lane, Spinner hinge actuators, Match the Last 2 Digits, rollover lights & a mouseover feature.
2662_UPBGE v30
Removed the study code library, debug window now clear of script warnings & copy write conflict issues resolved.
Deleted Material_Preview_Dummy mesh which did not have any material. System console debug script warning now clear.
Removed unused materials & meshes in blender file.
Added materials to meshes without material.
Deleted orphaned data files. (Do not delete the Actions & Text files that sit in the orphan data file library unless you conduct a 100% Text & Action Library check.)
The Warning: sensor â=1â has lost a link to a controller (link 1 of 2) from object âTable KeyPad PageUp_Dwn Guide Pageâ. Possible causes are partially appended objects or an error reading the file. The logic may be incorrect system console debug resolved. (deleted the property sensor & replaced it with a new one which resolved the lost link) Bug fix.
bge_easyonline bug rectified. Removed the Addon from preferences.
Table guide page boarder repositioned, black horizontal line bug fixed.
Drop Target 123 Jackpot 5000/10000 & 15000 reinstated & more work done on the action animations.
Raised the ball123 colour Add Points to 500,1000 & 1500.
2656_UPBGE v30 bug correction. Score array quantity now correct.
Introduced an which has also replaced the ball trailer Nodes, the script will run a fast add points 10 injection whilst the ball trailer is rotating an image list.
The middle round targets now controls the Ball Trailer animations.
Ball mouse movement response improved. Implemented a ball speed controller which will add force to a -X,X & Y roll direction, when the ball speed == 0 it will stop the ball from rolling down the table with an attempt to add equal force to the -x & x ball roll. (good for table testing)
Deleted an object that manufactured an invisible force field at the end of the plunger lane.
Deleted more unused experimental objects from the Table.
In âGame Play Camera Modeâ under âViewport Shadingâ check that the âScene Lightsâ check box has been checked : else the lights will not function.
In Edit / Preferences / Addons check Game Engine Logic Nodes. Else ball trailer nodes will not run.
Please enjoy & rob what you can from it if you wish.
Upgrades with bug fixes to Pinball V3 can be downloaded from the Dropbox link above
Please find enclosed UPBGE 0.3 Pinball V3 Game Upgrade. Recommended Graphic Card Nvidia Gforce 2070 & an intel i7. (else it will struggle)
Game Features 1 - 4 Player selection,1 -3 Ball selection, High score Board, Slingshots, Bumpers, Targets & Loop rankers, Loop circuit, Ball saver, Auto plunger, Bonus scores, Dmd animations, Queue Text code, Bonus multiplier, Table Animations, Ball colour actions, Multi-Ball, Extra ball, Ball Trailer, Plunger Lane, Spinner hinge actuators, Match the Last 2 Digits, rollover lights & a mouseover feature.
Pinball V3.2692_UPBGE v30
Upgraded the Ball colour initiator. Ball Colour sensor logic bricks have been removed. Target collision/near sensors will now run the ball colour addPoints & the ball colour action actuator script module.
Reduced the colour Jackpot Award module script with logic brick reductions as well.
The âBall colour initiatorâ BallColor integer prop now dictates the ball colour when set by another script somewhere in the game.: 0=silver,1=red,2=yellow & 3=Blue.
Removed the Forum Note No2 comment regarding the addons check game engine Logic bricks. (Ball Trailer Game Engine Logic nodes have been replaced with a trailer .py module script.)
Player 2,3 & 4 bug fix.
Introduced a module which resolved the unplayable 2 to 4 player bug, which also contributed towards the reduction of more Game logic brick that dealt with the in game state conditions.
Rid of more duplicated Game logic bricks.
Put more direction comments in the Game Logic message name box. (Which will aid the Game Logic reduction & the script introduction process).
In âGame Play Camera Modeâ under âViewport Shadingâ check that the âScene Lightsâ check box has been checked : else the lights will not function.
Please enjoy & rob what you can from it if you wish.
Upgrades with bug fixes to Pinball V3 can be downloaded from the Dropbox link below;
Upgraded the script with QueueQText script code reductionsâŚ
Addscore now runs the import QueueQtxt as script; QTxt[âTextActionTranferâ]=âText_Actionâ; & the script.Append(). The logic bricks have been reduced as a result.
The QueueQText script is now in a better place for appending other variables: (The multiplier increment, the message text box & what ever else springs to the mind).
All Qtext animations can be appended whilst the Text animation is running. The Drop Target & Target text animation script & Engine logic bricks have been reduced as a result.
Removed more code lines from the text animation scripts which didnât influence the localScale & localPosition methods.
Rid of more global variables that should not have been there.
Rid of more duplicated Game Engine Logic bricks.
Q_TgtMessage1_ActionAni script bug removed.
Increased the score raiser to 20*Variable[âincrementsâ].
Increased the score Raiser increment so that it does not increment the score raiser 20*Variable[âincrementsâ] as often.
AddPntsXTimes the score now has a module script ZeroDims() sub.
The Xtimes property now work its own increment dim (shared increment variable bug fix). Also scaled down the Text animation.
In Addpnts_BallTrailer renamed ball2 point point2 & ball3 point point3.
Property Multipliercntr will now = 0 when it is greater than 0.
Completed the ball2 & Ball3 colour module script. script is now running the colour addpoints & PlayersBall1,2 & 3 playAction method.
In âGame Play Camera Modeâ under âViewport Shadingâ check that the âScene Lightsâ check box has been checked : else the lights will not function.
Please enjoy & rob what you can from it if you wish.
Upgrades with bug fixes to Pinball V3 can be downloaded from the Dropbox link above:
Please find enclosed UPBGE 0.3 Pinball V3 Game Upgrade.
Recommended Graphic Card Nvidia Gforce 2070 & an intel i7. (else it will struggle)
Game Features
1 - 4 Player selection,1 -3 Ball selection, High score Board, Slingshots, Bumpers, Targets & Loop rankers, Loop circuit, Ball saver, Auto plunger, Bonus scores,
Dmd animations, Queue Text code, Bonus multiplier, Table Animations, Ball colour actions, Multi-Ball, Extra ball, Ball Trailer, Plunger Lane,
Spinner hinge actuators, Match the Last 2 Digits, rollover lights & a mouseover feature.
Pinball V3.2725_UPBGE v30
In def Hud4_Plunger_Ani_True(): introduced the âif True123==False and True321==False:â which will run the QText1Obj[âTextBox1â]=âWrong Target Combinationâ code line. (Animation bug fix)
Deleted the unused text in table user guide.
Reinstated the Ball Saver animation. PlungerLaneTrigger Sensor1. Ballsaver now runs the
Reinstated the Extra Ball animation. ApronGobbler now runs the
Reinstated the Multiball animation1 & 2 which is run by Players MultiBall Award Cntr.
Removed AddPntsXTimes the score module script ZeroDims() sub. (End of ball add multiplier bonus points bug fix)
In Players End of Ball AddScore reduced the game engine logic bricks. In script â & AddBonusMultiplierRndTgt.pyâ the animation time on can be manipulated to suit the viewer. âIf XTimsBonus_RndTgs_TxtAni[âRndTgtXtimesScoreCntâ]==0: & XTimsBonus_RndTgs_TxtAni[âRndTgtXtimesScoreCntâ]==0:â the time on will also be zeroed. Kept two timers, one to give the text time to flush out & one to give the â & AddBonusMultiplierRndTgt.pyâ code time to run the ZeroMultiplierProps before it runs the next player or last 2 digit code.
In âPlayers End of Ball AddScore module scriptâ AddBonusMultiplierRndTgt.RndTgtXtimesScoreCnt_Zero and AddBonusMultiplierDrpTgt.DrpTgtXtimesScoreCnt_Zero" will be run. This will give UPGBE time to change the state whereby preventing the script from reading the == 0 & > 35 code line which runs the EOB message. (This will prevent the ball from being launched twice).
In Delete High Score removed an unwanted script (Bug fix)
70% of the game engine logic bricks now have a to & from description in the message sensor & actuator message name box. (Presently, the Game Engine Logic bricks are much better to work with for the brick reduction & scripting process. still more work to be done)
11.âAddPnts_RollOver.pyâ now increments the Extraball Award.
12.Ramp & Targets widened, plus moved the Trigger stop target onto the ramp.
13.Introduced a second frame count property in the MultiBallAni2Txt which will run for another 20 frames before it runs the âQueueQtxt.inPlaystateâ which also controls the Full tilt boredom text animation.
Moved the Tgt_Combi_Hit_CntDwnTxt & the ExtraBall countdown Txt Animation to Hud4. Much better place for it. (Plunger animation will only be visibility when the
âif BallHud4Prop[âIs_TgtComb1lCntDwnRngâ]==False and BallHud4Prop[âIs_XtraBalCntDwnRngâ]==False:â
15.In Ball1,2 & 3 Speed.Py applied damping to balls when speed is > 8 else = 0. This should stop the mesh from absorbing the ball when it leaves the plunger lane & else where. (Addforce to Ball1,2 & 3 to be added during flipper hit)
16.Hud4 plunger actions reanimated. Table scene shadow conflict bug fix.
17.In Dope sheet Muted Hud1,2,3 & 4 channels (Hud scaling & movement will be stopped during the creation period of new text action animations).
18.In ParticleBallTrailerAniStop Empty property sensor that sits above the Apron gobbler put message âZeroHudKeyboardâ which also stops the ball1 mouse controller after pressing keyboard key âBâ.
19.Deleted duplicated main flippers. Invisible block behind flipper bug fix.
20.Added physic type static to Flipper1 & 2 rear wall guard.
21.Target Jackpot Combination hit feature will now reset the Targets that are on the combination list.
22.Removed more unused property increments
23.Parented Pushputton1Guard & Pushputton2Guard to Drptgt13 & 14 which will guard the pushbutton preventing it from being hit before the Targets are dropped. (which keeps the script control measures down)
In âGame Play Camera Modeâ under âViewport Shadingâ check that the âScene Lightsâ check box has been checked : else the lights will not function.
Please enjoy & rob what you can from it if you wish.
Upgrades with bug fixes to Pinball V3 can be downloaded from the Dropbox link above:
Work to be done
Write a Magna ball feature code.
Remove new bugs.
Manufacture a shake the table event.
Manufacture a Vari target for the old multi-ball ramp.
Add some artwork to the table.
Bring into play the underground skittles room.
Introduce arcade style moving hologram targets.
Reduce the long logic brick rows with the use of .py script support.
Add force to the ball when it hits the flipper.
10.A ball disc spinner to be invented.
11.Skittle target & slingshot holes to be cut.
12.Ball ramp to be introduced.
13 Action inventions to be added.
14.Bring in to play the hud1 image screen which will run with the Queue text animations.
15.Put more to & from in the script & message sensors/actuators.
Please find enclosed UPBGE 0.3 Pinball V3 Game Upgrade.
Recommended Graphic Card Nvidia Gforce 2070 & an intel i7. (else it will struggle)
Game Features
1 - 4 Player selection,1 -3 Ball selection, High score Board, Slingshots, Bumpers, Targets & Loop rankers, Loop circuit, Ball saver, Auto plunger, Bonus scores,
Dmd animations, Queue Text code, Bonus multiplier, Table Animations, Ball colour actions, Multi-Ball, Extra ball, Ball Trailer, Plunger Lane,
Spinner hinge actuators, Match the Last 2 Digits, rollover lights & a mouseover feature.
Pinball V3.2745_UPBGE v30
In Players End of Ball AddScore put two more message sensors. (Repeat messages from a ball collision critical bug fix, also applied âTapâ to the collisions sensors)
In ParticleBallTrailerAniStop replaced the zerHudKeyboard with MouseP1Ball1State1 which closes down the mouse ball control
Updated & corrected more to & from message box guide notes.
Ball1 also runs when MouseP1Ball1State1 is called.
Brought JacpotAward_Txt_Ani & Jacpot1Award_Txt_Ani Props into line with each other. Missing prop bug fix.
Reduced the AddBonusMultiplierDrpTgt & AddBonusMultiplierRndTgt py script. (Only one route to Players End of Ball AddScore). Critical Bug Fix
Transferred all property dims from 1_XTims_T_Bonus_DrpTgs_Txt_Ani & 1_XTims_T_Bonus_RndTgs_Txt_Ani to X Times the BonusAni.002 props.
In deleted some props from 1_XTims_T_Bonus_DrpTgs_Txt_Ani & 1_XTims_T_Bonus_RndTgs_Txt_Ani that issued a script console text property missing warning. Bug fix. (Must make sure that props are being removed from scripts when upgrading)
10.In all QueueTxtAnimations replaced the increment that dictates the end of the action animation with QText1Obj.isPlayingAction(0)==False: # The action frame can be extended with the action keys if the text needs to spend more time on the HUD. It can also be scaled to 0 if a blank period is needed. (Boredom text overlap bug fix aswell)
When extra ball is > 0 ApronGobbler runs the message LaunchBall to Launch Ball 123. Extraball Critical bug fix.
In X Times the BonusAni.002 put a state1 message sensor ( All state1 and EOB messages will be transferred to a
In Players End of Ball AddScore removed module script AddBonusMultiplierRndTgt.RndTgtXtimesScoreCnt_Zero and AddBonusMultiplierDrpTgt.DrpTgtXtimesScoreCnt_Zero. Handled by its own script again.
TargetRoundR1,R2 & R3 with the apron & Pushputton2 Target moved right a little. (Gobbler Ball lock 2 more accessible).
. Bug Fix
Put a static wall guard on the Ramp.
Press Enter To Launch Ball put above Hud3 boarder.
Droptarget 151 & 161 set reset by EOB message runner.
In âGame Play Camera Modeâ under âViewport Shadingâ check that the âScene Lightsâ check box has been checked : else the lights will not function.
Please enjoy & rob what you can from it if you wish.
Upgrades with bug fixes to Pinball V3 can be downloaded from the Dropbox link below:
Please find enclosed UPBGE 0.3 Pinball V3 Game Upgrade.
Recommended Graphic Card Nvidia Gforce 2070 & an intel i7. (else it will struggle)
Game Features
1 - 4 Player selection,1 -3 Ball selection, High score Board, Slingshots, Bumpers, Targets & Loop rankers, Loop circuit, Ball saver, Auto plunger, Bonus scores,
Dmd animations, Queue Text code, Bonus multiplier, Table Animations, Ball colour actions, Multi-Ball, Extra ball, Ball Trailer, Plunger Lane,
Spinner hinge actuators, Match the Last 2 Digits, rollover lights & a mouseover feature.
Pinball V3.2748_UPBGE v30
In physic, applied continuous collision detection to all drop targets.
Increased the near sensor distance on all Drop targets, Round & Square Targets (Better ball contact during higher balls speeds).
Unchecked the collision sensors in all Drop Targets. (Presently only using near sensors)
Added a Pinball comments Text in the Text Editor.
In âGame Play Camera Modeâ under âViewport Shadingâ check that the âScene Lightsâ check box has been checked : else the lights will not function.
Please enjoy & rob what you can from it if you wish.
Upgrades with bug fixes to Pinball V3 can be downloaded from the Dropbox link above:
Please find enclosed UPBGE 0.3 Pinball V3 Game Upgrade.
Recommended Graphic Card Nvidia Gforce 2070 & an intel i7. (else it will struggle)
Game Features
1 - 4 Player selection,1 -3 Ball selection, High score Board, Slingshots, Bumpers, Targets & Loop rankers, Loop circuit, Ball saver, Auto plunger, Bonus scores,
Dmd animations, Queue Text code, Bonus multiplier, Table Animations, Ball colour actions, Multi-Ball, Extra ball, Ball Trailer, Plunger Lane,
Spinner hinge actuators, Match the Last 2 Digits, rollover lights & a mouseover feature.
UPBGE Pinball 2759_030
Removed the duplicated ball1,2 & 3 collision sensors from the ApronGobbler & connected the the collision sensor state1 to state3 as well, which is the ball saver route.
Removed more code lines that should not be in from all ball position modules .py scripts.
Removed State1 & deleted all logic brick links in BallLock_Gobbler1.1 & 2.1.
Removed unused import code lines from
Launch Ball 123 now runs module (A script replication of the deleted Game Engine Logic bricks)
The ApronGobbler now runs ball1,2 & 3 state change through module LaunchBall123.Ball1_State,Ball2_State & Ball3_State script.
in BallLock_Gobbler1.1 changed Ball3 collision module Gobbler1_BallPos.Ball2k1 to Gobbler1_BallPos.Ball3k1 (Bug Fix).
10.In transferred the HitCounter Prop to NotQueuedFullTiltPinball_Prop[âHitCounterâ] & now running the NotQueuedFullTiltPinball_Prop.visible=True/False which dictates the Full Tilt Pinball visibility state. will only run NotQueuedFullTiltPinball_Prop.visible=True :
if PlayersMultiBallAwardCntr_Props[âBallinKicker1â]==0 or PlayersMultiBallAwardCntr_Props[âBallinKicker2â]==0:
12.Introduced a module that will run Begin Play, End of Ball & End of Game message sensors, visible states & logic brick states. (Not fully updated yet, more stuff to be transferred from existing logic brick message actuators.)
13.Press Enter & Full Tilt Pinball boredom Text animation Visible state now running from the & modules. (Much slicker routine now, which will hopefully give way to the introduction of the dictionary boredom text animation feature)
14.In added an increment control measure which controls the Queuetxt append.
In âGame Play Camera Modeâ under âViewport Shadingâ check that the âScene Lightsâ check box has been checked : else the lights will not function.
Please enjoy & rob what you can from it if you wish.
Upgrades with bug fixes to Pinball V3 can be downloaded from the Dropbox link above:
Please find enclosed UPBGE 0.3 Pinball V3 Game Upgrade.
Recommended Graphic Card Nvidia Gforce 2070 & an intel i7. (else it will struggle)
Game Features
1 - 4 Player selection,1 -3 Ball selection, High score Board, Slingshots, Bumpers, Targets & Loop rankers, Loop circuit, Ball saver, Auto plunger, Bonus scores,
Dmd animations, Queue Text code, Bonus multiplier, Table Animations, Ball colour actions, Multi-Ball, Extra ball, Ball Trailer, Plunger Lane,
Spinner hinge actuators, Match the Last 2 Digits, rollover lights & a mouseover feature.
UPBGE Pinball 2788_030
Bumper & Slingshot sound now runs play end in the sound actuator.
Redesigned the slingshot slings, the three slings are in-line with the the rubber sling shot contours. (Sling1,Sling2 & Sling3). (Much better ball rebound & direction response).
In bumpers & slingshots increased the collision bounds & applied convex hull.
(Much better ball rebound & direction response).
UPBGE Pinball 2784_030
Put convex hull collision on the plunger gate
Also replaced the plunger lane gate action animation for a physics hinge setup again. (Locked the Trans XYZ & Rotation X & Z which simulated a typical plunger lane gate attitude).
Applied rotation damping 0 in the spinners game physics. (A better spin response achieved)
Please find enclosed UPBGE 0.3 Pinball V3 Game Upgrade.
Recommended Graphic Card Nvidia Gforce 2070 & an intel i7. (else it will struggle)
Game Features
1 - 4 Player selection,1 -3 Ball selection, High score Board, Slingshots, Bumpers, Targets & Loop rankers, Loop circuit, Ball saver, Auto plunger, Bonus scores,
Dmd animations, Queue Text code, Bonus multiplier, Table Animations, Ball colour actions, Multi-Ball, Extra ball, Ball Trailer, Plunger Lane,
Spinner hinge actuators, Match the Last 2 Digits, rollover lights & a mouseover feature.
UPBGE Pinball 2954_030
when you convert a Bezier curve glass tunnel to mesh⌠the collision bounds margin must be 0 if the collision bounds is unchecked in In Game physics type static, else the collision bounds will not be correct for the object. The glass tunnel will emulate a solid object if the margin is not zero when Game physics type static is selected. (UPGBE .30 Bug report)
LoopSensor2 & LoopSensor4 Logic brick non critical bug fix.
All DropTgt collision bounds unchecked + put 0 in the margin.
Levelled some of the proud Playfield objects. (Playfield surface smoother for ball rolls)
Introduced a glass tube which will guide the balls towards the skittles Room Table with a little help from the applyForce module.
In All the Ball scripts got rid of own=B1/B2/B3.
Reduced more module codes, got rid of some more unused code lines & moved all code comments to the bottom of the script editors.
Resolved the Bumper1/2/3 repetitive event that occurred when the ball was constantly landing in the BallLock_Gobbler2. (Moved the BallLock_Gobbler2 left a little bit more) non critical bug fix
9.In DropTargetBonus, DropTgt123 Bonus Points & RND_MiiddleLRBonus replaced the Mesh points text animation with the .data.body=ââ text animation method. (For ever scoring active now)
10.Jackpot increment with Queue script bug removed from
11.Upgraded the Jackpot1 award. Jackpot1 is now ranked 10000*increment+=1 in Drop Target (For ever scoring active now in the skittle room)
12.Upgraded the Jackpot2 award. Jackpot2 is now ranked 100000*increment+=1 in Drop Target (For ever scoring active now)
13.Put a def ZeroDims(): sub in, which is run by the EOB python module controller, for Jacpot2Award_Txt_Ani[âJackpotAward_incâ]=0.
14.In all Round/Square Target def addScore(): the Rnd/Square TgtScr_inc2 now == 2. This prevents the score from being added twice.
15.In DropTgt14 corrected the bit operation on object state mask in the state 5 actuator. critical bug fix
16.In & introduced a For ever scoring increment code line which works the extra ball & Target Combination code for long game play moments. (For ever scoring active now)
17.Upgraded the The script now runs the bonus points 1000*increment+=1 with the âAdd123IsTrueâ]+=1 which raises the multiplier 100 add points at the end of each ball. (for long game play moments) (For ever scoring active now).
18.Updated comment next to all script written def ZeroDims():
19.All props that ran the message sensor BOP=0 now runs message EOB.
20.In Ballspeed1/2/ put if own.worldPosition.z < -0.2765: Then own.localPosition=[-0.8994, 0.0912, 0.1409]. (If the ball falls through an object mesh below latter z point it will be repositioned.
21.Reduced the increment control measures in & removed PushBut1Props[âNo1â]=0 with PushBut2Props[âNo2â]=0 from def ZeroPushButProps sub routine. critical bug fix
22.Updated all Starburst.sendmessage sensors.
23.Text âPress Enter To Launch Ballâ is now parented to Hud3.
24.Upgraded Hud 4 & introduced a new Hud5. for bonus awards. keyboard instruction also added to the User guide page3.
25.Loop Circuit repeat jackpot feature added with an independent loop timer for each ball. Jackpot 20000 awarded if you loop again within 500mls.
26.Implemented a flush Queue for the XTimesScore using the following code: x=QueueTextAction.count(âTxtQ XTimesScore_DrpTgtâ); if x>1: QueueTextAction.remove(âTxtQ XTimesScore_DrpTgtâ). (#reduces the queue for the regular text animations) script now runs the Addpoints ZeroDims(): subs. Game Engine Logic bricks reduced. (Need to introduce a count down to indicate when you can press the launch ball enter key)
29.More def ZeroDims(): subs added to Scripts.
30.Non critical Bug fix In (global name correction)
31.More comments added to 1_Pinball Comments + some string codes / string methods.
32.Vari Target introduced. A for ever 1000*increment jackpot booster will be awarded when the vari target reaches its maximum travel distance.
34.Playfield Drp/Rnd Target Multiplier text points 0-9, 10-99 & 999 action animation centre position updated with logic bricks.
35.In introduced a Launch_Ball123_Props[âExtraBallâ]==True. This will prevent the NotQueuedFullTiltPinball_Props fom running visible = true if an extra ball has been launched. (minor bug fix)
36.Tab key pressed & released introduced for a backbox screen quick view added to props 2 BackBox View_F2. (a future pinball feature)
37.Extra ball Quantity stats added to the backbox screen
38.Introduced a which runs PlungerGate_Props.suspendDynamics() after 50mls. Plus an action animation actuator which will run a gate bounce animation, also applied 90 to the rigid body hinge angle limits min & 0 to the max. (minor Bug Fix)
39.In the Plunger Lane End Right Hand Guard applied static rigid body with convex deform & collision bounds 0.03.
40.Put a force field mesh above the plunger lane.
41.Repositioned Apron1 FF1 & FF2 hidden force fields (Ball Jam bug fix).
42.Removed Flipper1/2 rear wall collision bounds in static mode & changed the value to 0.
In increased the ForceFactor to = 8 if useTorque == 1: & in if ball1_current_speed < 1: decreased ForceFactor to = 1.9 (better mouse response with neutral buoyancy on the slope)
In reduced Y1 addforce to 25
All aprons have been deleted & replaced with new mesh.
Manufactured a new skittle room exit route with hidden glass tube.
Removed show overlays in active work space "Press Keyboard âPâ " view.
In reduced the timer count to 35.
In reduced the increment count to +1. (no need for a press enter count down)
Put AddPnts_DrTgt1314 in
In âGame Play Camera Modeâ under âViewport Shadingâ check that the âScene Lightsâ check box has been checked : else the lights will not function.
Please enjoy & rob what you can from it if you wish.
Please find enclosed UPBGE 0.3 Pinball V3 Game Upgrade.
Recommended Graphic Card Nvidia Gforce 2070 & an intel i7. (else it will struggle)
Game Features
1 - 4 Player selection,1 -3 Ball selection, High score Board, Slingshots, Bumpers, Targets & Loop rankers, Loop circuit, Ball saver, Auto plunger, Bonus scores,
Dmd animations, Queue Text code, Bonus multiplier, Table Animations, Ball colour actions, Multi-Ball, Extra ball, Ball Trailer, Plunger Lane,
Spinner hinge actuators, Match the Last 2 Digits, rollover lights & a mouseover feature.
Put DropTgt1Props[âDrpTgt1B8_Incâ]=0 in def ResetDrptgtSKR(): (minor bug fix).
Gobbler/Kickers & addforce X1 now running P3 A1/2/3 BallTrailer_Vis=0.
Increased the attract Animation lights luminosity & upgraded the base light lens with all other light animation indicators.
Fixed the time on period bug for the first attract light in the array. (All light time on period now even).
6a. Roll over light holes cut.
Loop circuit holes straightened out. Loop circuit playfield lights have replaced the Loop circuits Xray lights.
Transferred property Attract_Ani1_Props[âAttract123â]=True & Attract_Ani1_Props.sendMessage(âAttract Animation1â) from to (Begin play & EOB now runs all attract lights) (All attract lights minor bug fix)
Increased the Attract light animation light speed.
10.The Push button Target will now score when hit in its pushed in position.
11.In def PlungerSusDyn(): reduced the PlungerGate_DynamicsSensor_Props[âIncâ] to ==25 which is written in
12.Slingshot Left & Right Light lens/base upgraded.
13.All Drop Target Holes cut.
14.Vari Target guide hole cut.
15.Playfield Mesh with holes replaced with a new mesh with no triangulation & collision.
16.Removed collision from light deco rings.
17.Put global ScoreNum in def Inc_ScoreRaiser(): (minor bug fix).
18.Playfield Gobbler prop inc11 changed to inc1 (minor bug fix).
19.Target score amount indicators added to playfield.
20.In corrected typo error global PopInc1 (out of range major bug fix)
21.In Ball 2/3 Speed.Py set damping bug fix. Also transferred global ballspeed dims to a property. All codes that use the ball speed upgraded. now acknowledges ball2 & 3.
23.Removed global damping from Ball1/2/3 Speed.Py. (Major bug fix).
Please find enclosed UPBGE 0.3 Pinball V3 Game Upgrade.
Recommended Graphic Card Nvidia Gforce 2070 & an intel i7. (else it will struggle)
Game Features
1 - 4 Player selection,1 -3 Ball selection, High score Board, Slingshots, Bumpers, Targets & Loop rankers, Loop circuit, Ball saver, Auto plunger, Bonus scores,
Dmd animations, Queue Text code, Bonus multiplier, Table Animations, Ball colour actions, Multi-Ball, Extra ball, Ball Trailer, Plunger Lane,
Spinner hinge actuators, Match the Last 2 Digits, rollover lights & a mouseover feature.
Joined the table perimeter walls.Performance upgrade.
Joined the rear aprons & rebuilt the apron top. Performance upgrade.
Lowered the front end of the plunger lane ball cover forcefield mesh. (End of plunger lane ball stop bug fix).
In Game Debug unchecked the use frame rate.
In Game Physics increased the time scale to 1.100
Parented HUD 5 to the table mesh
Parented all score point text indicators to the table mesh
Sampling render adjusted to 1
10.View port render adjusted to 0 (which = unlimited)
11.Camera Lens clip End value Adjusted. (Less frames per second being consumed during game play) Performance upgrade.
12.Reduced the height of the Plunger Lane Forcefield (ball jam bug fix).
13.Bug report regarding UPBGE game start without audio connection. (Game engines will not run without an audio connection)
14.Unchecked high Quality Normalâs
15.Volumetric values reduced
16.Slingshot Rubber. Left & Right synchronised with Slingshot. Left & Right Trigger (Slingshot Rubber animations now runs sendMessage(âSlingshot.Left/Right.Hitâ) Performance upgrade.
17.If you press keyboard key 1 ball1 will be put back in the plunger lane. Just in case the mesh gobbles the ball or you cannot tilt out of a jam. (Use key2 & 3 to reposition Ball 2 & 3) The ball must be in play before you can use the key to reposition the ball.
20.In Ball1/2/3 Lock_Gobbler Kicker.1/2/3_Timer added another logic brick to run a zero dim & state change to 2 should the ball jump back into the kicker during a state change. (Bug fix)
21.Increased the XYZ Addforce Y value to 45
22.Repositioned the Plunger Stick Tip sensor for the PlungerGate_Props.restoreDynamics(),also added it to Plunger_Stick .001 Logic bricks & def/sub PlungerStartTimer(): (possible bug fix)
23.Adjustments made to the roll over lights.
24.Adjustments made to the Skittle room exit tunnel (Ball jam bug fix)
25.Drop/Round Target X times the bonus points re-animated. All points animate in the same place now.
26.Increased the size of the middle wall partition & constructed a door way.
27.In PlungerLaneTrigger Sensor1 Ballsaver increased the logic brick near sensors distance & reset distance values (Bug fix)
28.Skittle room entry & exit tunnels fitted with a Gate. (Bug fix)
29.Reduced the Target_Vari logic brick sensor distance value to .050.
Upgrades with bug fixes to Pinball V3 can be downloaded from the Dropbox link above:
Please find enclosed UPBGE 0.3 Pinball V3 Game Upgrade.
Recommended Graphic Card Nvidia Gforce 2070 & an intel i7. (else it will struggle)
Game Features
1 - 4 Player selection,1 -3 Ball selection, High score Board, Slingshots, Bumpers, Targets & Loop rankers, Loop circuit, Ball saver, Auto plunger, Bonus scores,
Dmd animations, Queue Text code, Bonus multiplier, Table Animations, Ball colour actions, Multi-Ball, Extra ball, Ball Trailer, Plunger Lane,
Spinner hinge actuators, Match the Last 2 Digits, rollover lights & a mouseover feature.
Design your own Table View feature.
UPBGE Pinball 3098_030
In updated the procedure instruction for the identification of an object XYZ location.
BallLock_Gobbler11_Props[âBall1_Gob11â]=False removed from (console window Error bug fix)
Repositioned the Table so that it did not interact with a negative xyz localPosition/worldPosition value. All xyz localPositions/worldPositions are now positive numbers. The experimental code preferred positive numbers when interacting with mathutils.Vector((1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) xyz position numbers.
User Guide note âNumberPad + Apron Hud Mouse movementâ removed. (Glass HUD 4 is now using the + key to open the key controllers)
Removed the scale bug from Glass HUD 4 & 5. Glass Hud 4 & 5 can now be scaled down to a smaller size. Reduced the logic bricks in all HUD scale properties & deleted the middle animation keys.
Removed message actuator F4 from property â2 BackBox View_F2â.
7.Brought the rear apron into line with the left & right flipper front face.
In Launch Ball_Enter Key changed the initial state to state 1. (initial state 1 will now be set before pressing game start)
Deleted the duplicate mouse position centre & right .py scripts.
10.Reconfigured the F10 table view/movement control attitude. When you select any table view including the F10 to create your own Table view it will remain unchanged until you change the Table view manually with one of the F5/6/7/8/10 keyboard keys.
11.All Table/Hud movement key selections will now close down automatically after selecting a another Hud/Table view movement key.
12 The Hud & Table view controller can only be selected when F10 table view is active, which is now the new create your own view Table screen. When in F10 screen mode or any other table view mode the view will not be altered during game play at any time or when you press F11 to restart a new game. It will only change when you select F4/5/6/7/8 or F10 during Table view moves. You can reset the view in the F10 mode by pressing F10 again. (Features to be added : quick user guide view which does not disturb the new view setup & a save/load feature)
** When in F10 press keyboard key âVâ to move the table view with the mouse **, all of the other key function to move the Huds have not changed. (Table/Hud view movement instructions are set out in the User Guide Pages (F1)).
13.Arrow Left & Right will now rotate the Huds Z axis.
13.Adjusted the Hud motion actuator values to 360.
14.There is now 21 skittles in the skittle room. The front three rubbers will also drop if hit by the ball making it easier to hit the skittles.
15.Duplicate Logic bricks removed from Hud1/2/3/4/5 properties with an upgrade to support the new F10 view design your own view feature.
16.Added more Addfforce Y1 Sensors to the Skittles room exit & entry tunnels + reduced the applyForce([55.0,0.0,0.0],0) to 5 also attached a diverter to the cloned gate to prevent the ball from bouncing back into the exit tube. Glass tunnel bug fixes.
17.The Skittle Room now runs âSG_BC_AddPoints[âTextâ]+=ScoreNumâ, which adds up the score points for the table text display & displays the total amount.
18.Increased the height of the loop sensors.
18.Ball trap bug fixes.
Jobs to do
Add some artwork
Add a save/delete option for the F10 create your own Table view feature.
Add Hud image animation with action scroll up/dwn over.
More music to be added with music lab theme inventions.
Rotating disk ball deflector feature to be added which will be activated by the middle round/drop target.
When push button & drptgt 13/14 == 50 âroll the diceâ.
When rnd 123 & drp tgt 123 == 50 âRoll the Fruit reel Max 3 reelsâ.
When rnd tgs lft & right == 50 âMagna ball feature activeâ.
When jackpot awarded âshake the tableâ.
Add a High score manager for all target group types.
i.e: Highscore for DropTagts,Round Targets,Square Targets, SkttleRoom Targets, Loop circuit & Vari Target.
Upgrades with bug fixes to Pinball V3 can be downloaded from the Dropbox link below:
In all Hud scale properties added an increment controller to prevent the increment from exceeding the action animation increment range amount.
In â1 User Key Guide _F1â introduced the TableView_Manager.TableView module script which will prevent the F10 Table view from being reset. F1 must be pressed twice to return to the last selected Table view. Enter can also be used to return to the last selected table view.
Added TableView_Manager.TableView module to the Back box quick view Tab key controller (when the Tab key is released the users view will return back the last selected screen view.)
Added more notes to the User guide pages.
Introduced shake the table action + a sound file when Jackpot is awarded.
More engineering work done on the skittle rooms exit tunnels. more ball jam bug fixes. (more improvement work to be done.)
Playfield mesh gobbler1/2-hole size reduced. Ball jam bug fix.
Changed the physics with mesh adjustments on the Rear Apron wall.004 to prevent the ball from jamming between the skittle room entry tunnel.
10.In flipper1 added the MousePosiRight.Move module.
Upgrades with bug fixes to Pinball V3 can be downloaded from the Dropbox link above:
Please find enclosed UPBGE 0.3 Pinball V3 Game Upgrade.
Recommended Graphic Card Nvidia Gforce 2070 & an intel i7. (else it will struggle)
Game Features
1 - 4 Player selection,1 -3 Ball selection, High score Board, Slingshots, Bumpers, Targets & Loop rankers, Loop circuit, Ball saver, Auto plunger, Bonus scores,
Dmd animations, Queue Text code, Bonus multiplier, Table Animations, Ball colour actions, Multi-Ball, Extra ball, Ball Trailer, Plunger Lane,
Spinner hinge actuators, Match the Last 2 Digits, rollover lights & a mouseover feature.
Design your own Table View feature.
UPBGE Pinball 3115_030
Skittle room exit tunnel & sensor re-designed for a more reliable ball exit routine. Jam bugs resolved.
Re-designed the Skittles room entry tunnel for a more reliable ball run, also Adjusted the XYZ values & added more XYZ add force sensors along the glass tunnel exit area.
Applied damping value 1 to ball number 1,2, & 3.
Skittle room Exit that controls the ball exit will now run a QueueSKRBallExit.append(GTE_XYZ_PosSens_Props[âBall123Q_Messageâ]) just in case there is more than one ball exiting the skittle room.
Bumpers must be hit 12 times to get the Extra ball.
In under Ball2Y1() changed Ball3_Prop.applyForce to Ball2_Prop.applyForce. Bug Fix.
Upgrades with bug fixes to Pinball V3 can be downloaded from the Dropbox link above:
Please find enclosed UPBGE 0.3 Pinball V3 Game Upgrade.
Recommended Graphic Card Nvidia Gforce 2070 & an intel i7. (else it will struggle)
Game Features
1 - 4 Player selection,1 -3 Ball selection, Multiple High score Board, Slingshots, Bumpers, Targets & Loop rankers, Loop circuit, Ball saver, Auto plunger, Bonus scores,
Dmd animations, Queue Text code, Bonus multiplier, Table Animations, Ball colour actions, Multi-Ball, Extra ball, Ball Trailer, Plunger Lane,
Spinner hinge actuators, Match the Last 2 Digits, rollover lights & a mouseover feature. + Design your own Table View feature with save load options.
UPBGE Pinball 3147_030
Updated some of the incorrect âguide note to messagesâ in the keyboard rack properties.
Table Fly around view back in Table view1. (Keyboard âvâ. Pressing F4 will reset the table view again)
F10 view upgraded so that a user can save & load a custom designed Table. Some mouse movement features removed until i get better results when using the Hud1_Rotation=TxtP_Hud1_Props.localOrientation.to_euler() which manipulate the Rotation xyz. Presently the Action actuators are running the rotation X only. (will attempt to introduce the Rot yz when code position conflicts have been resolved.
a. When F10 view is selected the Table view1 Save & Table View1 Load silver ball mouse over will be visible. Just follow the instructions & click to save the F10 Table view1 after the adjustments. when you return to the F10 Table view from one of the other Table views you can load the saved view by selecting the Table View 1 Load silver ball with the mouse over technique followed by pressing the left mouse button.
b. Added the following comment to the # comment â if you run def Load_F10_View1() without saving or with a missing .bgeconf you will put a 0 in all variables. Press F10 to reset. Do not copy a .bgeconf from another file let the new file create the .bgeconf.â
Updated the route message note guide in the mouse over selection silver ball properties message âClick Left Mouse Button =1â actuator & the Hud 12345 message âHudMouseButtonstate1â sensor.
Activity culling applied to Game Physics
Add state 2,3 & 4 controller in Player1/2/3/4_EnterName.001 to the message senser ZeroScore (bug fix).
Replaced display score as it prevented the globalDict() function from interacting with other save files
In the High Score board view (F3 Key) you can view all of the object High Scores & the Skittle Room High score. A mouse over silver ball will change the scoreboard view when selected
In all scripts removed variable currentplayer=1 & property 'BOP_Counter_Props[âinc1/2/3â]=0 & Gobblers_Props[âinc1/2/3â] is now run by (anticipated bug fix, which will prevent the increment from being run twice else the flippers continue to flip.
In changed property BOP_Counter_Props to BOP_Counter_Props[âBallOnSkittlePlayfieldâ]<=0: (Just in case it over increments). The synchronisation mesh is presently stable.
Upgrades with bug fixes to Pinball V3 can be downloaded from the Dropbox link above:
In def Load_F10_View1(): replaced the 0 xyz position value with the F4 table View xyz position values. The Load_F10_View1(): def/sub routine is now run by the F10 selection key. (also updated the comments to reflect the new configuration).
A mouse over reset key for table view F10 has been introduced (The F10 key table view selection âdoes not reset the tableâ, it now loads the saved table).
Transferred from HUD2 to HUD3 the F10 Table view mouse over keys. which is dedicated to the F10 design your own table view.
F10 will now load the F10 View Table Automatically during selection.
F2 will now reset the table view (which gives the user access to the Mouse Over keys). (minor bug fix). runs all Table F10 View Mouse Over control keys to visible=0 except for the F10 Table View selection.
F2 Backbox view & F3 scoreboard view will return to the last viewed table if pressed again. (similar to the F1 User guide key).
Table view 6 now referred to as table view F10.
Table view mouse over corrections.
Please enjoy & rob what you can from it if you wish.
Upgrades with bug fixes to Pinball V3 can be downloaded from the Dropbox link below;