Please find enclosed UPBGE 0.3 Pinball V3 Game Upgrade (Recommended Graphic Card Nvidia Gforce 2070 & an intel i7).
1 - 4 Player selection,1 -3 Ball selection, High score Board, Slingshots, bumpers,Targets & loop rankers, Loop circuit, Ball saver, Auto plunger, Bonus scores,
Dmd animations, Queue Text code, Bonus multiplier, Table Animations, Ball color actions, MultiBall, Extra ball, Ball Trailer, Plunger Lane , Spinner hinge actuators & a mouseover feature.
All non-linked objects with xyz channel actions have now been linked with the Alt D key method.
Used the ‘instance to scene’ function for all objects with scale actions & the non-actioned objects.
All Targets upgraded.
Upgraded the plunger & added a spring action. (plunger is now controlled by the property frame controller)
Lots of bugs removed from the logic bricks
Increased the always step to 1 in the Queue state2 and the text list animation controller code Logic Bricks which has improved queue synchronisation. . . (to be replaced with a list array code).
Put a steeper slope on the extra ball ramp. Balls now sit on the ramp with space between them.
Introduced the Mouseover function which can be used to select the user keys from F1 to F9 during game play. Impressive feature UPBGE development team.
Frame rate performance has improved. However, still unable to improve the Addobject & Endobject frame rate consumption issue. (Will continue to search for a resolution).
To be introduced
Write a Match the Last 2 digits code.
Write a Flipper controlled Rollover lights code.
Write a Magna ball feature code.
Write a ball speed volume sound controller script.
Remove new bugs.
Report bugs to GitHub UPBGE Devs Team.
Manufacture a shake the table event.
Transfer more time to the bungalow renovation project & guitar music studies/practice sessions.
In ‘Game Play Camera Mode’ under ‘Viewport Shading’ check that the ‘Scene Lights’ check box has been checked : else the lights will not function.
In Edit / Preferences / Addons check Game Engine Logic Nodes. Else ball trailer nodes will not run.
Please enjoy & rob what you can from it if you wish.
Load the game using UPBGE(0.3). The Game mode will show first (Out off Edit Mode Press ‘P’ or standalone start to get it up & running)
Keyboard instruction will appear & the rest is all down to the user.
Upgrades with bug fixes to Pinball V3 can be downloaded from
Please find enclosed UPBGE 0.3 Pinball V3 Game Upgrade (Recommended Graphic Card Nvidia Gforce 2070 & an intel i7).
Game Features
1 - 4 Player selection,1 -3 Ball selection, High score Board, Slingshots, Bumpers,Targets & Loop rankers, Loop circuit, Ball saver, Auto plunger, Bonus scores,
Dmd animations, Queue Text code, Bonus multiplier, Table Animations, Ball color actions, MultiBall, Extra ball, Ball Trailer, Plunger Lane, Spinner hinge actuators, Match the Last 2 Digits & a Mouseover feature.
Switched off the roll over test light keys.
All player scores zeroed when begin play Ini is executed.
Players Score Match the Last 2 Digits introduced. (Player is awarded 1000 points when digits match).
Skittles jackpot count down reduced to 500mls.
Press Enter Animation Bug removed.
To be introduced
Write a Magna ball feature code.
Write a ball speed / volume sound controller script.
Remove new bugs.
Report bugs to GitHub UPBGE Devs Team.
Manufacture a shake the table event.
Transfer more time to the bungalow renovation project & guitar music studies/practice sessions.
In ‘Game Play Camera Mode’ under ‘Viewport Shading’ check that the ‘Scene Lights’ check box has been checked : else the lights will not function.
In Edit / Preferences / Addons check Game Engine Logic Nodes. Else ball trailer nodes will not run.
Please enjoy & rob what you can from it if you wish.
Load the game using UPBGE(0.3). The Game mode will show first (Out of Edit Mode Press ‘P’ or standalone start to get it up & running)
Keyboard instruction will appear & the rest is all down to the user.
Upgrades with bug fixes to Pinball V3 can be downloaded from
Please find enclosed UPBGE 0.3 Pinball V3 Game Upgrade. Recommended Graphic Card Nvidia Gforce 2070 & an intel i7.
Game Features
1 - 4 Player selection,1 -3 Ball selection, High score Board, Slingshots, Bumpers, Targets & Loop rankers, Loop circuit, Ball saver, Auto plunger, Bonus scores,
Dmd animations, Queue Text code, Bonus multiplier, Table Animations, Ball colour actions, Multi-Ball, Extra ball, Ball Trailer, Plunger Lane, Spinner hinge actuators, Match the Last 2 Digits & a mouseover feature.
Upgrade 2256
Introduced a ball speed sound volume & pitch control script.
Introduced a Queue text script that uses the array List.append(), .pop() & .clear() functions. It has also reduced the frames per second workload.
Replaced the scene actuator that restarted the pinball game with a logic brick restart game engine process which sets all states to state1 & zeroes all the dims, for some unknown reason UPBGE’s actuator scene restart blocked the Queue script KX_Object variables.
Put a Visibility=0 actuator in the sling shot guards.
Modified some of the table decorations.
Put a sound file in all playfield wall actuators.
Removed unused sound actuators.
Push Button Target now resets Skittle Target bank2 with themselves.
Multi-ball lock kickers introduced. When multi-ball active aim for the ball lock kickers
10.Ball object selection launcher introduced. If Ball1 locked ball2 will now be spawned. Balls that return to the table are no longer duplicated. Ball on playfield will not change to silver anymore when balls are being gobbled.
11.Multiplexed the ball gobbler code & reduced the code with the logic brick Array selector. Only one gobbler for all players.
12.Auto plunger spring action bug removed.
13.Gobblers converted to a Rigid body.
14.More message reduction & terminology updates.
15.More End of Ball EOB messages multiplexed.
16.Replaced all Target Action actuators with Motion actuators which consumes less frames per second.
17.Removed Actions from baseball & basketball animations. Using visibility state instead. Less frames per second being consumed.
18.End of Ball (EOB) multiplier will now continue to run when its greater than 15. Bug fix
19.Reduced the Ball1 Mouse control force to 20.
20.Misplaced Txt Animations corrected. Bug fix
21.Removed the > 9 & < 100 bug from the X times action actuator.
22.DropTarget Xtime number now synchronising with the X-Times number on the playfield.
To be introduced
Write a Magna ball feature code.
Remove new bugs.
Report bugs to GitHub UPBGE Devs Team.
Manufacture a shake the table event.
Manufacture more script which can contribute towards the reduction of frame per second usage during game play.
Introduce scale & xyz position codes.
Manufacture a Vari target for the old multi-ball ramp.
Manufacture a high score & name delete mouse over option function.
Manufacture a sound & table glass mouse over option function.
Add some artwork to the table.
Bring into play the underground skittles room.
introduce arcade style moving hologram targets.
Please enjoy & rob what you can from it if you wish.
Load the game using UPBGE 0.3. The Game mode will show first. Out of Edit Mode Press ‘P’ or standalone start to get it up & running
Keyboard instruction will appear & the rest is all down to the user.
Upgrades with bug fixes to Pinball V3 can be downloaded from
Closed down the Bumper Torus action actuator (Scale script to be added).
Bumper Rings now running a motion actuator.
Slingshot triggers now running Motion actuators.
pos_local=own.localPosition, scale_local=own.localScale has replaced the Bumpers 123 Score Ranked Txt An action actuator. (Text scrolls right over with one txt off at a time)
pos_local=own.localPosition, scale_local=own.localScale has replaced the Drop Target Bonus Txt ani action actuator. (Text split scroll up/down & back to centre position)
To be introduced
Write a Magna ball feature code.
Remove new bugs.
Report bugs to GitHub UPBGE Devs Team.
Manufacture a shake the table event.
Manufacture more script which can contribute towards the reduction of frame per second usage during game play.
6 Manufacture a Vari target for the old multi-ball ramp.
Manufacture a sound & table glass mouse over option function.
Add some artwork to the table.
Bring into play the underground skittles room.
introduce arcade style moving hologram targets.
Reduce the long logic brick rows with the use of py script support.
Upgrades with bug fixes to Pinball V3 can be downloaded from the link above
Please find enclosed UPBGE 0.3 Pinball V3 Game Upgrade. Recommended Graphic Card Nvidia Gforce 2070 & an intel i7.
Game Features
1 - 4 Player selection,1 -3 Ball selection, High score Board, Slingshots, Bumpers, Targets & Loop rankers, Loop circuit, Ball saver, Auto plunger, Bonus scores,
Dmd animations, Queue Text code, Bonus multiplier, Table Animations, Ball colour actions, Multi-Ball, Extra ball, Ball Trailer, Plunger Lane, Spinner hinge actuators, Match the Last 2 Digits, rollover lights & a mouseover feature.
Text script bug fix.
One script runs all Drop Target banks now.
One script runs all Target banks now.
Text script with Logic bricks reconfigured so that they can be re-used & worked with action actuators.
To be introduced
Write a Magna ball feature code.
Remove new bugs.
Report bugs to GitHub UPBGE Devs Team.
Manufacture a shake the table event.
Manufacture more script which can contribute towards the reduction of frames per second usage during game play.
6 Manufacture a Vari target for the old multi-ball ramp.
Manufacture a sound & table glass mouse over option function.
Add some artwork to the table.
Bring into play the underground skittles room.
introduce arcade style moving hologram targets.
Reduce the long logic brick rows with the use of py script support.
Please enjoy & rob what you can from it if you wish.
Upgrades with bug fixes to Pinball V3 can be downloaded from
Ball1 collision group in physic properties bug fix.
Multi-Ball 1 & 2 kicker hole separated from the playfield mesh, plus collision bounds triangle mesh applied with a 0.0001 margin.
Playfield mouse over glass visibility true or false selection added. (In any one of the Playfield views mouseOver the last silver ball (which is the ninth ball from the top position))
Upgrades with bug fixes to Pinball V3 can be downloaded from the link above
Please find enclosed UPBGE 0.3 Pinball V3 Game Upgrade.
Recommended Graphic Card Nvidia Gforce 2070 & an intel i7. (else it will struggle)
Game Features
1 - 4 Player selection,1 -3 Ball selection, High score Board, Slingshots, Bumpers, Targets & Loop rankers, Loop circuit, Ball saver, Auto plunger, Bonus scores,
Dmd animations, Queue Text code, Bonus multiplier, Table Animations, Ball colour actions, Multi-Ball, Extra ball, Ball Trailer, Plunger Lane, Spinner hinge actuators, Match the Last 2 Digits, rollover lights & a mouseover feature.
V3.2315_UPBGE v30
Reduced the auto plunger pull speed. (Auto-plunger does not shoot the ball between the main flippers anymore)
Put more code comments in the script.
Tilted now runs the Txt animation flushqueue - In script added the following code to the def flushQueue():
if Tilted[‘Delay’] == 0: # if tilted do not run this if statement
NQ1.sendMessage(‘AniQueueHitPosition=0’) # FullTiltPinball text animation visibility=1
Flippers isolated when tilted executed.
Pinball mouse-over Table Guide upgraded.
Some Decor upgraded.
Upgrades with bug fixes to Pinball V3 can be downloaded from the Dropbox link below.
Work to be done
Write a Magna ball feature code.
Remove new bugs.
Manufacture a shake the table event.
Manufacture more script which can contribute towards the reduction of frames per second usage during game play.
Manufacture a Vari target for the old multi-ball ramp.
Add some artwork to the table.
Bring into play the underground skittles room.
introduce arcade style moving hologram targets.
Reduce the long logic brick rows with the use of py script support.
10.Introduce py xyz position code which will gobble & respawn the ball during game play.
11.Skittle target & slingshot holes to be cut.
12.Add a double zero to the ‘match the last 2 digits’ animation.
13.Ball ramp to be introduced.
14.Page flip the game user guide.
15.Use .py code to run the score hit points with the logic bricks.
Please find enclosed UPBGE 0.3 Pinball V3 Game Upgrade.
Recommended Graphic Card Nvidia Gforce 2070 & an intel i7. (else it will struggle)
Game Features
1 - 4 Player selection,1 -3 Ball selection, High score Board, Slingshots, Bumpers, Targets & Loop rankers, Loop circuit, Ball saver, Auto plunger, Bonus scores,
Dmd animations, Queue Text code, Bonus multiplier, Table Animations, Ball colour actions, Multi-Ball, Extra ball, Ball Trailer, Plunger Lane, Spinner hinge actuators, Match the Last 2 Digits, rollover lights & mouseover features.
V3.2360_UPBGE v 0.3
MouseOver ‘TableView5’ bug correction.
Upgraded the Delete HighScore Board txt animation. (Py Module with logic bricks now running the text).
Py module with logic bricks now runs & updates the User Guide text pages.
Multiplexed more of the Txt DMD animation by re-using the Qtext1 object & upgraded the Jackpot animations.
Py code doing more work for the Queuetext feature, as a result queue text logic bricks reduced.
Changed the property X_Movement_Inc to Z_Movement_Inc (terminology update) in the DropTarget txt animation py module code.
Ani Bumper Txt animation .py code will now randomise one of the following scroll routes during game play: Left_OverScrlTxtCntr, Right_OverScrlTxtCntr, OneOff_Right_LeftTxtCntr, OneOff_Left_RightTxtCntr & Ani_Action actuator.
In action .py code removed the text locPosition code which is over ruled by the Action actuator.
Property name convention updates in the .py module text ani code. (which makes it easier to understand when revisiting the code!).
In ‘Game Play Camera Mode’ under ‘Viewport Shading’ check that the ‘Scene Lights’ check box has been checked : else the lights will not function.
In Edit / Preferences / Addons check Game Engine Logic Nodes. Else ball trailer nodes will not run.
Load the game using UPBGE 0.3. The Game mode will show first. Out of Edit Mode Press ‘P’ or standalone start to get it up & running. Keyboard instruction will appear & the rest is all down to the user.
Please enjoy & rob what you can from it if you wish.
Upgrades with bug fixes to Pinball V3 can be downloaded from the Dropbox link above
Work to be done
Write a Magna ball feature code.
Remove new bugs.
Manufacture a shake the table event.
Manufacture more script which can contribute towards the reduction of frames per second usage during game play.
Manufacture a Vari target for the old multi-ball ramp.
Add some artwork to the table.
Bring into play the underground skittles room.
introduce arcade style moving hologram targets.
Reduce the long logic brick rows with the use of py script support.
10.Introduce py xyz position code which will reposition the ball when gobbled & respawned during game play (position code uses less frames per second & reduces the physics impact during ball roll).
11.Skittle target & slingshot holes to be cut.
14.Ball ramp to be introduced.
15.Scroll Over Right & Left, Scroll Over Up & down text animations to be added + Action/Image inventions.