So to readdress the “Elephant in the room”
Is UPBGE going to be able to go Blender 2.8? Come on Let’s have the truth.
I loved BGE Sheds a tear, but it’s gone in Blender 2.8
I love UPBGEsheds yet another tear, but it seems UPBGE is not able to compete in the fight any more. Mainly because the BGE and UPBGE are not in Blender 2.8.
Wait, is there hope for UPBGE?
Will BGE and UPBGE tag team against the dreaded 2.8 team? Are they out numbered? Is this the end for them?
No wait…
It’s Armory! who jumps in the ring. Who’s side is he on?
Armory stands beside both BGE and UPBGE.
The crowd goes wild!!!
Unreal, Unity, and all those other game engines glare are the 3 would be heroes.
They charge for their engines, but our 3 amigos stay strong with their open source and free licenses.
All kidding aside. BGE was great, UPBGE is awesome, and Armory is also awesome. I believe in free. And these 3 engines are and do what I want to accomplish. The debate should be on which will work for you. I love all 3.
My view on the bad points:
Unity, Unreal… Yeah … no I won’t be cheated out of my money and neither will my fans that get my “free” games. (Note yes my games are and will be free).
BGE… Sadly and unfortunately BGE was a great horse… No a Thoroughbred horse, but was put out to pasture only to run in a small field (2.79 and below) forever. Sadly this is the facts.
UPBGE… Has the greatest potential, but doesn’t get the attention it needs. Like the student in school who fails because no one acknowledges their abilities and treats them like they are like everyone else. UPBGE’s pluses are a long listed biography, but they haven’t made it to 2.8, they aren’t updated enough for demand, and really needs some love to flourish. Sadly these are the facts.
Armory… Yeah… the elephant. Strong, Powerful, sturdy, and rough around the edges. But if you like Python (like I do), here’s where things get complicated. Haxe, being a great universal platform tool simply causes most to run in fear. Teach-ability? yeah good luck there. There isn’t enough info out there to get a strong grip on. Sadly theses are the facts.
Now before you scream “TROLL!!!”
Let me stop you right there. I am not trying to cause a fight, nor cast doubt of what BGE and UPBGE can do… No not in the least. I’m mearly pointing out that as of today (08/07/2019) that these engines all have potential, but lack (at the moment) the completed package promised by their documentation.
Do I want any of these awesome open source, free licensed, gems to stop?
Surely you joke, NO!
I just want to bring awareness that these diamonds in the rough need to be polished more. They need their programmers and coders to see the bugs, flaws, and small problems addressed and not be dragged threw the mud because they are open source and free.
Thanks for reading.
Keep gaming… Keep building… never let it go!!!