I wasn’t sure where to put this but decided to put it here as I have some new stuff on my site. My trial period at homestead was over and I activated my site so I redid it. Changes- Redid home page with a new
picture. Cleaned out my gallery so I would be motivated to put up new stuff there. Right now still have dust mite picture and added 2 recovered old pictures thanks to Orange (last years Halloween contest entrys).
Changed the name of Radiosity to Experiments and added some more radiosity pictures.
Added a variations page with variations of Gallery pictures.
Added a link page.
added text in different pages.
Hopefully it flows better and is better than before. Comments and suggestions are welcome.
Thanks Stefano, just the kind of thing I need. I fixed the link. Boy you are fast I hadn’t even got off the board before you posted. Now the link link should lead to the link page (ha mouthfull there)
Hey paradox : I like the way you have revamped your site much better, especially the home page is more appealing, great lettering on the sign and the mist in the background is cool too. Also like the wire frame dustmite. I’m sure there is much more to come and will keep my eye on it…