Updated VRML Exporter for Blender

Yup, but it’s still confusing. And it’s especially confusing for someone who doesn’t really know that and only sees “VRML 1.0”, “VRML 2.0”, “VRML97”.

Just a suggestion.

My script will be bundele with Blener 2.37 an then there is just “VRML 97” and “Extensible 3D (X3D)” and of course the old VRML 1.0 export.

Just another update, found a bug using world textures as textures in the background node.

Checked out that exporting vertex color worked bad. So will change that and after that it seems really final now:

Some help:

Added more help content:

Absolut excellent work Bart! Its always good to have some alternatives.
You are the man! Weitermachen, schitteböhn :slight_smile:

found a proper way exporting face and vertex color:

For this check out new help docs again (Textures and Materials)

Documenattion is growing :wink:


New version (050416), two Bugfixes:

  • correct export of def and use for textures and materials
  • no creaseangle export on IndexedLineSet


Some optimisation and a small but amazing update:
DEF and USE for meshes when creating Duplicate Linked Alt+D!!!
This will fasten up exporting and lightweight your scene too:


The vrml work you’re doing is great, many improvements since 2.37, keep it up :smiley: I use vrml a lot since I’m an engineer and educator.

Could you look at the following issue, I have files that document this if you need them.

An object created by *screw forming * an open polyline doesn’t show all sides correctly after exporting to vrml. I don’t think this is an issue with Blender since it renders correctly. But who knows, I may be doing something in Blender incorrectly since I’m quite new to this program. As a sidenote, an object created by screw forming a closed polyline (i.e., a plane) renders and shows in vrml correctly.

Thanks much!

I suppose Bart is busy doing other things. Does anyone here know why the VRML doesnt work as described above?

I’ve also tried spinning shapes and gotten the same results.

Maybe this is not the place for this ?


************* EDIT ************

Ah, it was the two-sided thing, as per Bart’s documentation.

            :)              DOH!