Upgraded Robot

Hello, It’s been a while since I shared any project here on BA!

These past few days I’ve gotten inspired to do some hard surface modeling, so I made the “Upgraded Robot” from the game Mother 3.

The model has a very basic rig since I only needed to pose it for the render. The legs have IK bones but everything else uses a simple FK rig.

I used the principled BSDF shader everywhere but the materials are very much not realistic. I found the new principled BSDF in 4.0 to be much easier to control and it allows for a lot more experimentation than the older version!

The light beam for the eye is a cone mesh with an emission shader and a bunch of nodes to get the shape right:

The grey metal parts use a matcap texture mixed into the color for a stylized metal effect. The metallic value is actually set to zero.

Matcap texture by itself / Final material with shading:

The glass material took a lot of tweaking until I got something I was happy with. It is a glossy surface that uses fresnel as a factor for the alpha transparency. To get the blue tint I added volume absorption and volume emission together.

For the lighting I just did a simple setup with a fill light at the front, a rim light at the back, and a separate rim light only for the glass. I used light linking to mask the rim lights to the correct objects only.

And finally, for reference, here’s what the original sprite from the game looks like:

upgraded robot sprite

Thanks for checking it out! :slight_smile:


Love it! Great job!

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I uploaded it to Sketchfab. Had to strip down some shading effects since you can’t use nodes there but I think it turned out alright.


Thank you for sharing this! I really enjoyed your breakdown of how you achieved various details. Great work!! :smiley:

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Thank you!. Writing breakdowns take some extra effort so it’s nice knowing people appreciate them :smile:

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Thank you!

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you! You too :smile:

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