Upheaval | cosmic horror | short animation film

Hey Blenderartists,

so after a whole year workin’ on this Short film Project it is finally ready!

Upheaval is a dystopian visual journey into a world of cosmic horror, filled with darkness and chaos. Drawing on the lore of the Zephid cult, this short film interprets the arrival and birth of the Last Traveller, an invasive, dark entity that uses planets as hosts and breeding grounds to give birth to its matter of chaos. The born swarm intelligence takes over the surface of the planets, plunging all previous life into destruction and chaos. The Traveller and its Matter of Chaos are the beginning of an unstoppable cycle that will take over the entire universe in billions of years.

This film was completly written, produced and animated by myself.
All Animations and scenes were rendered in Blender Evee.

Hope you like it!

written and animated by: Robin Zeeb
Audio processing and mastering: Robin Zeeb
Lore and Lyrics: Thomas Winkler
Voice acting: Laura Fish






grand vision and brilliant execution. absolutely loved it!

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It’s so strangely beautiful

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many thanks!

thank you! :slight_smile:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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many thanks!

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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You did a fantastic job. The usage of eevee makes it even more impressive.
Your work pays off :slight_smile:


many thanks!

Wow, awesome! And I agree; this is impressive use of Eevee.

Exceptional sound design, too !

Well ok ok… it’s… stunning. Absolutly stunning!

many thanks! Also always very time-consuming but absolutely necessary for a great atmosphere :wink:

Großes Dankeschön <3 Great to hear something like that from someone whose art I find insanely fantastic!

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