Hoping someone can give me an answer to the following in laymens terms, as I’m still new to the nuances of file formats in the 3D world.
I downloaded a model from Turbosquid. It came in different file formats so I elected to try the USD format, and wow…it opened perfectly with textures already applied exactly where you expected them. It just worked, it was incredible.
In contrast, I’ve never had that much luck with materials getting applied properly when a model was originally created in MAX or C4D then saved out as a .OBJ. I tested this theory ion this same model (downloading it as an OBJ), and sure enough the .OBJ file opened with the materials in the model, but it’s like they just aren’t getting applied. It’s weird, and I’m sure it me…something I’m not doing when I’m importing a. OBJ perhaps?
I’m hoping someone can tell me why USD seems to work so seamlessly, and what I might be doing wrong when importing a .OBJ.
The wavefront object format is from the 1980’s… and the format and usage of material was “less advanced” than nowadays. You simply loose some information.
The USD file is larger, which I’m reading is typical. I’m also noticing the USD had materials packed into the file…which I’m guessing is why the were perfectly applied. The OBj file had linked textures, which are in the same director as the .obj, but I sure can’t figure out why they aren’t all renderiing?
Given the choice is USD a prefered file format to download, that is if you can’t get a .blend?
There has to be some shader setup build up to do so. If the importer still is using something what was changed in the meantime then it might break… also (may depend on OS) file names has to be exact… the different material oprions in the OBJ file might be not exactly reproduceable instantly (as for most material coversations).