Use Rotation of face normal for Zaxis of TorqueBalence

ok here is my file

it’s a little big due to models+textures etc.

So, I am using rays to get hit normal to apply gravity,

I also need to get the alignment of the face and pass it using

Center[‘Zaxis’] = Vector

To another script to balance more then 1 limb with the new Z axis

Right now, the Z gravity works, but I have something wrong in the script text.004 (great name huh?):spin:

import bge
from mathutils import Vector
from bge import render

scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene()
cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()

own = cont.owner
sen = cont.sensors['Ray']

hitNormal = sen.hitNormal
if hitNormal: # check before if the ray hit something
    hitNormal = Vector(hitNormal) # transform in to Vector
    axisZ = own.localOrientation.col[2]
    v1 = axisZ
    v2 = hitNormal
    rotDif = Vector(v1.rotation_difference(v2).to_euler())
    Center['ZaxisX']=(Center['ZaxisX']+axisZ.x)/2 #wrong?
    Center['ZaxisY']=(Center['ZaxisY']+axisZ.y)/2 #wrong?
    Center['ZaxisZ']=(Center['ZaxisZ']+axisZ.z)/2 #wrong?
    rot = own.worldAngularVelocity
    rot += rotDif *.5 #"elasticity"
    rot *= 0 # inertia
    own.applyForce(-hitNormal*9.8*own.mass*6)#gravity to the normal

So, Can someone take a look at it,

I want the player to run on the surface, regardless of it’s orientation.

here is the balance code that uses the Center[‘Zaxis’]

import bge
cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
from mathutils import Vector
own = cont.owner
scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene()
head = scene.objects['HEad']
axisZ = own.worldPosition.copy()
axisZ.x= Center['ZaxisX']
axisZ.y= Center['ZaxisY']
axisZ.z= Center['ZaxisZ']

quat = axisZ.rotation_difference(Vector((0,0,1)))
vec = Vector(quat.to_euler())
vecmag = vec.magnitude
torque = own['Force']*1


How do I convert a string to a rot?

I think this is my only issue ATM

I have a rot


that I need to pass to from text.004(normal gravity)

into Center[‘Zaxis’]

and then I need to use it in


As Zaxis, :expressionless:

But I am having trouble with my brain leaking out my ear.

Ok I am silly,

how do I convert a Vector to a Quat?

I have a vector rotDiff, that I need to get a Quat from, I believe.

I am bad at this vector-> quat and

Quat -> vector stuff

I have been looking at equations for doing this, and I just don’t get it:spin:

you cannot re-use rotDif for other obj.
rotDif is valid only for “own”

you can instead pass the hitNormal to the head.

and when head know the hitNormal , he can align to it

I have been trying, and have tried just using the “center” to apply gravity / orientation and not the feet,

However I can’t seem to get it to work

I am having issues still with getting vectors vs rotations

import bge
cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
from mathutils import Vector
own = cont.owner
scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene()
head = scene.objects['HEad']
axisZ = own.worldPosition.copy()
axisZ.x= Center['ZaxisX']
axisZ.y= Center['ZaxisY']
axisZ.z= Center['ZaxisZ']

    quat = axisZ.rotation_difference(Vector((0,0,1)))
    quat = Center.localOrientation.col[2] ## throws error
vec = Vector(quat.to_euler())
vecmag = vec.magnitude
torque = own['Force']*1


Basically, Align center with hit normal, attempt to align all else with center, but it’s not right

Here is what I have, (it does not work at all :wink: )

Stripped out textures to make easier downloads


AddedNormalA2.blend (1.18 MB)