Using AGX in Substance Painter


if you paint something in Substance Painter and use it in Blender with AGX the colors are looking much more different with AGX in Blender as with Filmic.

I just figured out that I can import AGX from Blender into Substance Painter, but the colors are still not close enough. Any idea what we have to configure exactly to match Substance Painter and Blender as close as possible?

I would stay in sRGB for the creation process. Tweaking textures so that they will look right after AgX is applied doesn’t sound right and too complicated as well. It also takes away the flexibility in case you decide NOT to use AgX eventually.

AgX looks different than Filmic for sure. But you have to take care of that in postprocessing. And if you don’t like it, you can always stick with Filmic.

hm yes. indeed. if I switch in Blender to standart view transform and use the same HDRi as in Substance, than it’s super close to what I do in Substance.

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I know you have marked solved, but watch this tutorial and get the LUT to add Aces to Substance Painter…it does make a real difference.

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yeah , having such a tutorial for blender filmic and agex in substance would be pretty nice.

Hi. I think it is because it is not planned to select AgX there. When you finish configuring the “color spaces” that your project will use and the user interface displays the viewport, there will be a panel with a monitor icon (in the viewport area) in which you can select the view transformation, that is there where AgX must be selected correctly.
Maybe this will help:

I understand that ACES was already integrated into substance a few versions ago, so the luts are no longer necessary, you just have to make sure you use the same version in both programs.