Using Blender for Motion Graphics

I think there is some ‘shortness of sight’ here from BF or devs or community, motion graphics should be a target and became a Blender’s selling point, it is what kids want to do -and the reason they want to learn that other software-

I have had exactly this issue with the VSE/compositor combination. I tend to edit and apply effects by testing and tweaking. But devs like you to plan and lock down a story/animation.

These things aren’t terribly compatible with most motion graphics work (especially when experimenting).

Now, anybody knows what happend to the modifier nodes project by lukas toenne?

Lukas will be in Project Gooseberry, maybe finishing particle nodes?
From this post, it looks like modifier nodes will be a 2.8x thing.

Speaking of pushing for features

Here’s the patch and discussion:

Wow what a great addition that would be, I really do miss After effects preset keyframe handles. I was just making a bounce the other day and it was so annoying to click twenty times when it should just be twice.

Yes, I was looking at that yesterday. I´m used to those modes as I work with AE and Flash in a daily basis in the company I work for.
But as I have always sticked to official releases I don’t have f*****g idea how to apply a patch.
Any simple resource to learn how (both in Win and OSX)?

Forget all this. I have search the forums and I see that all this is beyond the scope of what I can assume so far. Sorry for posting it.


take a look at this vid

I took a look at that video and it certainly could be done in Blender. All the particles have synchronized movement which is the default operation of the Blender particle system.

Have you taken a look at theDynamic Triggering tutorial from United Filmdom? It shows how to manage larger object count scenes using the MeshCache modifier and a few scripts to prepare the media.

The result:

Hi guys,
this topic has been silent for a while. Any news here? I’ve also planned to dedicate myself a while to Motion Graphics in Blender - maybe I can also contribute some tutorial(s)…


Local guru is posting a very good training exercises in his blog
It would be very interesting to make a kind of training document whith them.

Hey @marcotronic, yeah this thread has been dead for a while. I haven’t received any emails about Blendmo in the last couple months and the site hasn’t been updated, so I guess it’s still on hold.

Local guru is great, I remember learning about Btrace from his tests.

Here’s a little test animation I’ve been working on

(blend file: )

I’ve also wrote a patch to get 4:3 safe limits in camera view (the current ones are widescreen only). Here’s the patch if anyone needs this feature:

you are good man :slight_smile:

Yeah, Blender is lacking behind in that area. A hierarchical modifier stack (or even better: Nodes) would be really cool.

Actually that’s one of the reasons why Frederik developed ARewO - The Animation Replicator with Offset. It’s destructive, but at least you can run it - watch the result, run it again if you don’t like it. At later stages you can use the right selection methods to delete everything and run it again…

Hi folks! I guess i’m a little bit late with this thread. Anyway, i want to share two of my mograph animations with a kind of 2D/AE feel. All done in Blender, Inkscape and Gimp.

The first one is for a FLOSS festival in my home town.
The mascot was done by Martin Eschoyez.

Also i’ve uploaded this to BlendSwap (the blend file is really a mess, so forget me)

And this is one for a TV ad, worked in conjunction with Gez.

Let me know what you think and i hope this thread and mograph users start making some noise!


Hi, a quick test. In the first half of the video, the animation is driven by the sound.

I love blender, but you quickly realize that there is a lot of room for improvement while doing mograph. I’ve been taking notes of posible impovements, but one easy thing we could do, is gather a library of common actions and primitives.

For example: primitives could include lines over a curve that go from one end point to another, circles that shrink, etc.
Actions could include scaling with a bounce in the end, disappear while blinking.

I also would like to thanks people that post their blends. It is specially useful in mograph, you learn lots of different ways to achieve an effect. I plan to finish this one with some text appearing at the end, and I will upload later. Maybe some tutorial about the audio part, I think I’ve done some curious things there.

I am in love with Blender and every time I need to do some work that is conventionally done in another program, I try to carry it to Blender. Follows a motion graphics video I made in Blender recently for the Fire Department of the city where I live below:

Interesting thread here. Less see if I can post a few modest efforts all done in Blender.

And, a few more.

Pretty cool theoldghost, how did you get the animation of the glass or mirrors so smooth? Non Cycles or a ridiculous amount of render time?

Feboccini, I really like the use of extruded text for the traditional mographic animation!
How did you get the text elements to reveal themselves without face intersections or flickering? Is it Cycles redering and animated “restrict rendering” value in the Outliner?