@Januz, You are very welcome but no thanks necessary. I’m just happy to be able to contribute a link. I love watching mograph but I have no skills. And thank you for your contributions.
P. Monkey
@Januz, You are very welcome but no thanks necessary. I’m just happy to be able to contribute a link. I love watching mograph but I have no skills. And thank you for your contributions.
P. Monkey
Did some motion graphicy stuff on this last tutorial teaser video I did. All in blender ofc.
Hey guys,
Just posted my mograph demo on youtube recently, and thought I’d share it on here as well. All of the animation is either Blender or Flash based work (or a combo of the two). Most of the work is commercial work, with a few personal projects thrown in as well.
Check it out (please watch in 720p if you can):
Title “Motion 2014” - Blender/AE
“We Remember” Title - Blender/AE (video link)
GATE Parents “Scrabble” Web Animation - Blender (video link)
KickAxe Promotions Web Banner - Flash/Final Cut Pro
RydeFX Air 2.0 Performance Shock - Blender (video link)
Whyte Fitness Logo - Blender
Walmart Price Rollback - Flash
Mesh Ball Deforms - Blender
“Trouble” (Blue Sphere) - Audio Driven Animation - Blender/AE (video link)
Airbase 2011 Holiday Greeting - Blender (video link)
RBM Logo - Flash
Airbase 2013 Holiday Greeting (Plane/GiftBoxes) - Blender/AE (video link)
Rogers Canada Slot Machine - Flash
Somebody out there?
Any news from this project of site?
It seems like it’s dead before it started:(
C’mon, sure you can do it.
Here some videos of mine if this can encourage you to keep on with the project (or maybe you’ll run for cover :D).
This one is old:
This is recent (Cycles)
And here the BI version (could have put a little more work in it but I think it’s enough for a hobby)
@toddmcintosh, Nice works! I really liked the abstract wireframed stuff.
@trueog, I remember seeing that first video some time ago. It’s what convinced me that Blender could be used for Motion I never figured out how you did that “demo” word effect.
ok, it seems like tutorials are more complicated than expected. Let’s try filling the site with a category like “videos” or “work” and let’s put all what we see here together in the site. This could attract more people, inspire and so. What do you think?
And, with those videos in the site, maybe the mographers out there can explain some making of.
@Januz In fact you’re not the only one who asked about that effect though I thought it was pretty obvious. I always felt reluctant to make any kind of tutorial about it because I don’t have a lot of free time. Anyways, maybe i’ll put something together to explain it if this site ever sees the light.
@meschoyez mmm, I don’t think it’s a bad idea but the fact is that people (especially newbies) visiting this kind of sites tend to look for answers. Showcasing stuff is good, but the real value of a site like this would be demystifying the use of Blender for MG. So i think that tutorials are really needed for a succesful site from minute one.
How about a tutorial request list. It might be nice to get a range of alternative solutions to each suggestion.
Motion graphics needs one great feature to be able to play with the elements in your scene: Hierarchical modifiers. That is, that a lattice can be added to a parent geometry or null and influence everything below it, without the need to copy all the modifiers and pray you won’t need to change it later. How can could anyone make great motion graphics without this? What if you wanted to make a little world with many animated objects dance to a bend modifier, and then be mirrored, and then duplicated along a circle, etc… now that is what opens possibilities for crazyness and great motion graphics.
take a look at this vid ( I’d say it would be almost impossible to do in blender, specially if you had to create it from 0 without the reference of the vid) :
and making off:
(1:50 good example)
now that is cool, and all those things could be bended with a single modifier above all the hierarchy, or smoothed, melted, jiggled, whatever… and so on… blenders currently system makes you manage hundreds or separate things (per object modifiers) that don’t let you experiment and produce good animations except from character animation and physic simulation. It doesnt let you do the creative stuff, the geometry generators, deformers, etc, in a creative manner, cause it’s object based and not hierarchy based.
@-IP-, totally agree. Maybe we can push for this when modifier nodes get revisited. In the mean time there’s a new addon for repeating animations, http://www.blendernation.com/2014/01/23/blender-addon-arewo-the-animation-replicator-with-offset
@trueog, at first I thought it looked like a fluid sim but that would take forever, so maybe it’s a texture with alpha thing?
@-IP- Agree. We need different tools but in the meanwhile, let’s work with what we have. I remember the ol’ lightwave days when we faked area lights with the spin lightning trick. What i mean is that if we want those improvements we should show that there is a user base that need them.
@januz haha, you really seem to be curious about it, ain’t you? Let’s say it’s a “wise” mix of animated booleans, displacement maps, curve properties, modifiers and a lot of Blender’s crashes!! (But don’t be so ansioux; maybe blendmo.org comes alive and I’ll explain it ion more detail. Promised!)
Yes each time booleans are improved I try out that effect, but it generally ends in Blender crashing.
Hmm if the tools aren’t there then I’m afraid there will be mostly hobbists. Studios won’t be jeopardizing a project by trying to do things the hard way just to show that there is a userbase that needs features. I think there is no need to show it, it is quite obvious that this feature is necessary.
Motion users aren’t a majority in the Blender community (AFAIK) so we’ll have to be patient on specific features we want. I’m sure once Cycles is feature complete devs will have more time for tools/modifiers/etc.
@trueog, lol that makes it even more interesting.
I posted a quick tip on my blog, it’s pretty basic but it may help someone.
I’d agree and be patient if hierachycal modifiers were in the roadmap somewhere, or in a TODO list, or anything like that. But it isn’t. So the truth is that it can take many years, cause right now not only it isn’t considered a priority, it simply isn’t considered officially at all.
Perhaps Gooseberry will need a cool title or teaser trailer with typographic motion effects…
dynamic paint + wave… easy stuff
You know there is an addon called “Animated Render Baker” that will bake out frames of an animation as separate objects. You just arrange them around the carousel and spin it with matched frame rate.
OR, you could 3D print the real thing and create your own zeotrope.
There are always ways to REPLICATE things, but there are not non-destructive/hierarchycal ways of testing and being CREATIVE. We need ways to PLAY AROUND. With the render baker thing you practically need to have everything thought out already, and pray it works, cause repeating the process everytime you want to see and test things is a great way to kill an artist. The whole point of the hierarchycal / non destructive thing is seeing things on the fly, and changing, for example, an character animation, and see inmediatly how it affects the bigger picture. Playing is important in creativity, and it directly affects the quality of the result, since the more tests you can see the better. A non destructive/hierarchycal modifier workflow is better for the same reason interactive renderers like arnold are better, or why realtime playback of animation is better. The reason is that the more iterations you can see of a render in less time the better tweaking and playing you can do to achieve what you want, and in animation, you obviously gain time by not having to render a video everytime you want to see a change. It’s the power of playing and testing things in a responsive and simple way. Of course you can do things in the end with blender and find your way around, but this doesn’t make blender any better than what blender internal is to Arnold.