Using Radial Proceedural Effects?

Is there any way to get procedural effects to wrap radially just by editing the material?

What I mean is, most effects wrap around in a circular pattern like this:
So, by default, a simple cloud effect looks like this:
There is now a new radial blend effect, which looks like this:

Is there anyway to cause a simple cloud effect to wrap radially, rather than in a circular manner? I’ve tried to change the scaling to give a similar effect, but that only changes the direction around which the ring effect is created.

Is this even possible?

I’m starting to think this just isn’t possible.

can you explain how did you get this multiple radial effet
is it only a blend radial or toher way?


The radial blend using the default colors in the color band.

have you check the plug in section

may be there is one there that can do this radial distribution!

but i don’t remember texture being radial
it’s mapping in X and Y

but check out in Gimp or any image editor you might find one !

another way byt not certain

make a circle with radial sectors

then apply one material / sector

then apply a texture to each material

that might look like what you need

and try a marble long lines for isntance

do you ahve a pic of what your saying to show up a little
what your looking for

did you check the material repository too
may be there is one there ?


I know I could do this with raster textures, but it ruins re-usability.

I’m trying to make an Apple Material so I can make multiple different looking apples with a bit of tweeking, and something I can reuse. If you look at an apple, you’ll see segmented radial striations all along the apple:
As you can see, the second image gives a similar pattern, but it isn’t radial. I turned the X size up to 10. Turning any one of them up that high (while lowering the other) just focuses the circular halo on that axis.

I’ve check the material repositories, but nothing replicates this effect that I need. There are apple materials, but they don’t have this effect.

for an apple i would use UV mapping

that gives the right texture

but then if you need different pic for different apples model you need some randowm

but you could change a little the location or add a transparent material over it to
give some variations of texture like a cloud texture in color !


Yes, I too want a solid with a circular mask whose effect is a radial gradient.

on etrick here that may work but not certain

have you tried in map input panel to change the mapping from plane to sphere or cylinder this may warp the texture too
but may be not like what you want ?


Looks like a job for PyNodes

Rigged something up, but PyNodes is being buggy for me so I can’t guarantee that this works perfectly

from Blender import Node 
from Blender.Noise import random 
from math import atan2,sin,cos 
def RtoP(v): 
    return [r,atan2(x,y),z] 
def PtoR(v): 
    return [r*sin(t),r*cos(t),z] 
class RtoPNode(Node.Scripted): 
    def __init__(self, sockets): 
        vec = Node.Socket('Vector', val = 3*[1.0]) 
        sockets.input = [vec] 
        sockets.output = [vec] 
    def __call__(self): 
        self.output.Vector = RtoP(self.input.Vector) 
__node__ = RtoPNode

You also need a Materal Node steup somewhat like the attached picture


Here we go!

I used a cloud effect with the X size of 25, I then set the texture coordinates to UV.

My skills at UV mapping suck, so this isn’t perfect. But since this is a UV sphere made of squares with tris at the top and bottom, it lines up pretty well. I wasn’t able to get the tris to line up, but they aren’t visible here, so it isn’t noticeable.

Anyone know the best method to get a UV sphere to unwrap into a square shape (with tris at the tops and bottoms)?

I still hope they add radial effects, but this will work for now.

Problem with PyNodes I mentioned was with Ubuntu, not Blender.

So, here’s an apple using radial mapping for speckles

Obviously, this required quite a bit more than just the radial splotches. Also have a radial blend for different colors around the edges and a sphere blend for the green center.

All done in blender using procedural textures and nodes, so you can tweak the settings for a different result.

Link to the .blend ( ).

If anyone wants to use this for anything, feel free. I enjoyed pushing my materials knowledge a bit further.

It’s awesome we have multiple methods at this point. Although I like the method I’m using. Here is something I’ve made after playing with my first attempt for a few minutes. I may have an apple material for the repos soon.

Alrighty, figured I’d show everyone what I got using the UV coordinates to get the radial effect.

can you have a file with all the different textures for the different kind of apples that you have in hte video 1

wold be nice to have theses in the repostitory so if anybody wants to do it later on
than we have a good reference to it !

if you could also upload a file with the differetn type of apple i would appreciate a lot

now i look at the file
and how can the apple appears on 2 layers ?
if i activate layer 1 i see the apple
and the same with layer 2 but there is only one apple object ?

can you explain that !

happy blendering

I answered your question here: