Ussr tv

This is late USSR tv called ‘BEREZKA’ (a birch tree). It’s been on production since 1984 and my parents happened to had one :rofl:
The TV itself was a piece of :poop: (as most if not all soviet consumer electronics). It was quite unreliable. Yet it was a color TV :sunglasses:
Anyways, here’s my work in progress. The goal is to model a late USSR flat corner. There definitely will be different furniture and some horrible wallpaper :crazy_face:
I also plan to make some renders with a picture on the screen. It’s gonna be interesting to model that effect of the lightening from the screen.
Please share your comments and don’t forget to press like button! :relaxed:


After 1980 the whole country was crazy about Olympic thematics :medal_sports:
Hence the wallpaper :slight_smile:

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I’m playing with textures on the screen. Here’s some example render.

for those interested the photo depicts ‘The Socialist Fraternal Kiss’. See for details.


And this is what those TVs used to show most of the times :smirk:


And here’s the colored version with some artifacts on the screen.

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And this is Allan Cumak. He used to be a faith healer and well known in Russia because during perestroika years he appeared on TV charging water with his voodoo magic so that the water heals any diseases :joy:
Here’s the sort article about him on wikipedia.


i see you made som good progress sins the first post nice work
i think you should add more imporfectins to the scene, some dirts and smudges around the tv and the table , to make it looks even intrest and realisim
nice work


I love every part of your scene. :slight_smile:

However , I think the wallpaper in the background is extremely blurry.
Maybe the image texture is too small ?

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Thanks. I have to invest more time in learning cycles :roll_eyes:
On low sampling renders it looked better.

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However , I think the wallpaper in the background is extremely blurry.

That’s because the wallpaper is out of focus. I did it on purpose actually :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

“Palas” have very low texture resolution and table legs have no material?
Чумак вышел норм.

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Oh. I’m not too sure why , but that’s not very obvious. Maybe the rest of the objects also need to be out - of - focus to be more clear ?

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it is true that the background looks abit blury ,i think because part of the tv back should be blur as will ,but i am not sure anymore

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“Palas” have very low texture resolution

It has no other textures except for the image. I.e. no noncolor data like reflection and normals. Have to fix that.

and table legs have no material?

That was wrong table at all. I only used it temporary so that TV wouldn’t be in the air.

Чумак вышел норм.


I will work on it. Thanks for the tip. :face_with_monocle:

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think because part of the tv back should be blur as will ,but i am not sure anymore

That’s exactly the effect I want to achieve. Work in progress! :smirk:

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Не хватает только салфеточки вязанной :smiley:

It only misses a lace napkin :smiley:

Thanks. I plan to add it. And some sort of crystal vase on top.

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