UV Editor Problem

Hi, I’m pretty sure newbie in Blender and I’m trying to unwrap my UVs but I have a problem. When I select my mesh faces in edit mode I could see my uvs before unwrap but when I select mesh faces in a few objects I cant see nothing and I cant right click in UV Editor Tab. How can I solve this problem?

Welcome to BA :slight_smile:

Your left window isn’t the UV Editor, it’s the Image Editor

Thank you for your greeting.

I’m not sure about that isnt UV Editor. I opened this 2 ways, one of select in “Editor Type” panel and one of is used shortcut which is “Shift+F10”. As I said I’m new in here it would be wrong. If I’m wrong please tell me how can I solve this.

The UV panel should only look like that in Object mode, but we can see from various things on the right that you’re in Edit mode.


  • Try starting with a blank scene/file (to clear up any user interface quirks that might have worked their way in to that file)
  • Open your file again but deselect the ‘Load UI’ option
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First: Welcome @senih :tada:

No it’s totally displaying correctly… if there are no UVmap !!

So they might have been deleted accidently ??

I guess I deleted UVs so I unwrap again and it is solved.