UV Editor selection

Hi, I’d like to make a slight change to the way that selecting faces in the UV editor works.

I would expect that when I click an empty space in UV editor, it would clear selection / deselect (just like in Object and Edit mode).
But instead, it select the nearest face. It’s a bit unintuitive to me. Is there a way to change that? I have looked in controls, but it doesn’t help, because it seems to be a peculiarity of the uv.select script.


I would expect that when I click an empty space in UV editor, it would clear selection / deselect (just like in Object and Edit mode).
The default blender shortcut do not deselect when you click in an empty space

You can just create a new shortcut in File / User Preferences / Input, under the Image / UV Editor section
Example: LMB drag to box select or to deselect all if dragged on an empty space (change the set 2d cursor shortcut so no conflict)