UV Editor "Winding" selection

In this page of the online documentation


There is mentioning this selection mode, using shortcut key ‘Shift+G’ then select ‘Winding’ from the pop-up menu. First of all, according to it’s definition, select faces that have the same orientation (facing upwards or downwards in the UV map). I’m inexperienced and have only seen 2D UV map, I have no idea what is it talking about. I tried in this simple example:

using the default unwrapped UV map of the monkey and I cannot see any differences from any other mode. I was expecting to see faces not being selected and faces are selected.

Using this example:

20231114_uv_map_selection_winding_0001.blend (947.5 KB)

I can see some changes with ‘Less’ ‘Greater’, and ‘Equal’ in that some vertices are not selected, but I have no idea why all the faces are still SELECTED. Clearly this is for FACE SELECTION mode, not vertices selection mode.

Why the word ‘Winding’ anyway? Is ‘winding’ means twisting?

Winding means the order the vertices of a face are in. It’s what technically defines the face orientation. It’s generally internal data, with orientation being the user accessible result of it.

Here I have 4 faces, 2 of which I flipped the normals on:

If I create a uv map by projecting from view, it will have some faces pointing ‘up’ and some pointing ‘down’ in the UV editor.

If I select similar by winding on one of those faces, it will select the other one with the orientation pointing the same direction.

For most unwrapped objects, blender will try to keep all the faces oriented in the same direction, which is why most of your tests just selected everything.


In other words, if you delete half of Suzanne, add a Mirror modifier and only paint one eye on texture : both eyes are appearing painted in Viewport.

If you apply Mirror modifier, you can not see more faces in UV Editor.
Symmetrical UV Islands are overlapped.
As symmetrical islands, they are not identical. So, one half does not have same orientation as the other.
In this case, Winding should select only half of UV faces.

You just have to mirror an UV Face to modify its orientation/winding.

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Thank you both so much, I can really see the effects now!

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Thank you for your extensive efforts in translation. I appreciate how engaged you are with this community to make sure that blender is understandable for as many people as possible.

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You are so kind. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. God bless you!

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