Uv map distortion on low poly object


How do I get rid of the distortion in my uv map for this object?
The uv mapping method I used was “Project from view”.
I have to keep it low poly so I can’t use subd modifier to subdivide the uv map.
Is there a possibility to only subd the uv?


Answering your last question, no: you can’t subdivide your UVs if you don’t do that to your mesh. Your UVs depend on your object, so your UVs can have less subdivision than your mesh but cannot have more.

Now, answering your first question… I don’t know what you mean exactly by “distorsion”. What is the shape you want? The image you uploaded shows exactly what you should expect from a view projection. You can use other projections, or try the add-on “UV Squares” that you can download from the internet, which helps you “squarise” your UVs, if that’s what you want. You can manually edit them, of course, but you’ll probably end up with a mess of vertices instead of your original UVs.

Good luck with your project!


Lowering distorsion requires applying the correct cuts to the mesh and then unwrapping with normal unwrap option, neither project from view nor any other.
When you subdivide there should be an option for auto subdivide your unwrap.
Nope you cannot subdivide the uv only in Blender afaik there’s no option for that.
It would be anyway pointless unless you’ve something to do with the parameterization.
You could check Textool addon, apart for being an useful unwrapping tool it has an option for transforming Uv to a mesh if I’m not mistaken…


I am trying to create a low poly sphere that I can put on a simple texture with a circle on it.
Goal is to create a lottery ball. It needs to be low poly since I will use it in Unity 3D and there will
be many of them.

Some variation of this

In this image the sphere object is unwrapped into 4 pieces with perfect squares which will not work to get rid of the distortion of the texture.
Maybe this kind of texturing just can’t be done?
I will research further though.

You can do this with decals. Project the numbers with shrinkwrap modifier to a high-poly sphere then select all the decal objects and finally the low-poly object (triangulated) and bake emission with ‘Selected To active’ checked.

blend file:
lottery_ball.blend (957.3 KB)

layer 1: high-poly sphere and decal objects
layer 2: low-poly sphere


Thnx, this might do it :slight_smile:

Don’t forget to triangulate the low-poly mesh BEFORE baking! If you don’t, you end up with distorted results later when the game engine triangulates it on import (or if the exporter you use triangulates it).