UV map on Python-generated mesh


Hi folks
I’m struggling with assigning a UV map on a mesh I generate with Python.
The mesh is fine but I can’t figure out how to apply the UVs.
Here’s my code. Should run without any prerequisites:

import bpy
import math

step = 2
# make mesh
vertices = []
edges = []
faces = []
uvs = []

for y in range(-90,91, step):
    for x in range(0,360,step):
        vx = math.sin(x/180*math.pi) * math.cos(y/180*math.pi)
        vy = math.cos(x/180*math.pi) * math.cos(y/180*math.pi)
        vz = math.sin(y/180*math.pi)
        vertex = (vx, vy, vz)
        vu = 0.5 * (1 + math.sin(x/180*math.pi) * ((y+90)/180))
        vv = 0.5 * (1 + math.cos(x/180*math.pi) * ((y+90)/180))
        uv = (vu, vv)

ry = len(range(-90,91, step))
rx = len(range(0,360,step))

for y in range(ry+1):
    for x in range(rx):
        v1 = y * rx + (x) % rx
        v2 = y * rx + (x+1) % rx
        v3 = v2 + rx
        v4 = v1 + rx
        if v3 >= len(vertices):
        face = (v1, v2, v3, v4)

new_mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new('new_mesh')
new_mesh.from_pydata(vertices, edges, faces)
# make object from mesh
new_object = bpy.data.objects.new('new_object', new_mesh)
# make collection
new_collection = bpy.data.collections.new('new_collection')
# add object to scene collection

new_uv = new_object.data.uv_layers.new(name='NewUV') 
for loop in new_object.data.loops:
    new_uv.data[loop.index].uv = uvs[loop.index]

Thank you very much!

new_object.data.uv_layers.active = new_uv will assign the UV you’ve just created as the active UV.

Thank you very much. Something seems to be still missing. But using a second script, I’ve got my model and it’s ok :slight_smile: