UV Mapping a imported house

I am new to Blender so I have trouble making a simple BOX UV projection of a texture on an imported architecture model. It has been imported in FBX file format. All wall are actally seperated objects but I have joined them togehter to make one singe BOX projection (I have used 3ds max earlier) How can I make a scaled and seamless texture projection of a model like this. I have tryed the Unwrap but I end up wth a total texture mess.

Hope someone can help me out here?

Hi. Im new here so hope you can help a newbee question. I have imported a architectural house from a FBX file (Autodesk 3D). The wall elements are made up of many meshes witch I have joined together and unwrapped as BOX. But this causes a lot of triangular problems as shown on the image. How can I map a seamless wood texture to the whole object as one? I have used 3ds max earlier and there it was quite easy. Is there som similar function? And is there a method to scale the texture so that it matches real world dimmensions?

You can use a texture with box mapping

You can scale the texture by adding a mapping node before the texture node

Or UV project modifiers http://www.blender.org/manual/modeling/modifiers/modify/uv_project.html

Or UV Unwrap your model for your own specific texture layout

Or a combination of all


I am not the best in Uv mapping, but, for me, it will be really difficult to unwrap your model because it is triangulated. As you can see, it is not clean. You have plenty of edges going everywhere.
As the modelisation is very very basic, I would recommend you to do the model by yourself.

Thank you alot. Your suggestion did work to some extend, but new problems arised as you see in image below. The Box mapping made different scaling of the image in x and y direction because house is rectangular, i could not use that, so I changed to flat projection. I also found out that I did not need the extra mapping in the Node editor because texture has a default mapping shown in the properties that can be adjusted. I think it is so?

The textures I have is seamless in the X direction only, and should be mapped 1:1 in Y direction (Heigth of house). But now I see that the texture seam’s come on different locations in xy- and yz planes as you see marked in red.

Actually: what is the solution to correct architectural mapping of houses? Each method I have tried so far generate new problems.



For good measure try applying the object’s scale (CTRL A in object mode).

Unwrap again using Smart UV Project.

Then scale the UVs to where you want. The triangles are cool.

I have now come a bit closer to a solution but then a new strange problem showed up. When using the UV Project modifyer I could control and set up all correctly in the 3D Viewport with texture shading. But when i changed to Rendered shading it becomes totaly wrong. Both the UV Project Modifyer and the material uses the same instance of Image Texture. What is causing this? Below you se images and material setup.

Plug the UV socket into the image texture. You are using generated in that picture.