UV mapping error

Too lazy to open OBS but I didn’t do anything special:
I opened the file. Press A to deselect everything. Press 3 to enter Face mode. Press A to select everything. Press U to open Unwrap popup. Press Unwrap.

Hard to say what it could be. You could try loading the file without loading the UI to reset to default. Or maybe try to factory reset blender settings and see if that fixes it.

Yeah smart UW Project isn’t really meant for this. If you have blocky shapes it can give nice results and save lot of time marking seams and unwrapping individually but yeah. It is works best with objects with lot of hard edges:


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This is strange, I opened up the file the other day and I am sure it was the same as the OP, but now it shows what @3Rton has shown. I tried in 3.1.0 3.1.2 and even 2.9 same thing… Don’t know.

EDIT: open EasyFroggy.blend, press U, select unwrap.

That’s weird, same thing I did yet I got different results.

Sometimes it’s a corrupted file. Maybe that’s what happened here. There is some fundamental error within the mesh.

Try typing the name of your mesh into the mesh field of the default cube, then unwrap it. Doing this will make the default cube into your bear, but without the object data. So if it is still wonky we can rule out any problems with the object data and assume it’s mesh related.