UV mapping issue- all maps coming out misproportionate

I am new to blender. I have been working on modeling for the past few days, and have made a few models that I plan on using in a game. Now I am trying to texture them. For the method I am using, I need a UV map, but when I unwrap even a new project with the default cube, my turns out distorted and in accurate. It is not an issue of incorrect seams, because I have viewed multiple tutorials on unwrapping a cube, and I am doing it correctly. I have attached the .blend, and a .png of the bad uv map of the cube. The map should turn out as a T.

If any one has experienced this problem or knows how to fix it, I would be very grateful for your help.



Uv map test.blend (327 KB)

Cut the seams as if you’d do on a paper cube.

Thank you for the response FreeMind.
The problem is not the seams. I have cut the seams exactly as i have seen in tutorials on blender.org, in which the map turns out perfect. I cant figure out what the problem is, but I know it is not the seams.

I the uv/image editor with all points selected, Ctrl+A (UVs / Average Islands Scale) then Ctrl+P (UVs / Pack Island)
You haven’t set the seams to give a T unwrap,you’ve added an extra seam to create two islands (see blend attached).


Uv map test.blend (60 KB)

Thank you for the response Richard, That fixed the problem with the cube example. I then moved on to try it on one of my models and found that I still had issues with stretching. This one I cannot tell whether it is just not being unwrapped right or if there is an issue with my unwrap settings. I have attached the .blend for the model.

If anyone can tell what I have done wrong in this one, I would be grateful for the help.


Sorry, I forgot to add the attachment. Here it is.


handgun map example.blend (265 KB)

First your model has different scale values for each axis (see image). Reset this to 1 with Ctrl+A / scale in object mode.
When you unwrap a non-organic object its usually best to use the Conformal unwrap method rather than the default Angle Based. You select this after you’ve unwrapped in the toolshelf.
You need more seams in your model. You have a very long island which makes little use of your texture space. I’d split its into some islands rather than try and keep it as one.


Thanks so much for the solution. After setting the scale back to 1 for all axis how should I go about getting it back to the right size

Never mind I figured it out. I was trying to scale it manually.


Im not sure whether this should be a new thread, but now that I have made a tweak to my original model, I am once again having problems uv mapping. This time it is scaled correctly. If anyone can help, their response would be much appreciated.



handgun map.blend (295 KB)