UV mapping - repeat part of texture


i googled about this problem but just couldn’t find the solution.

I have a texture image 2048x2048 that contains several 256x256 different textures.
I would like one 256x256 portion of this image to repeat, but not other parts.

I uploaded the image to better explain my situation.
I have a mesh (terrain) where I want to repeat for example the grass part of the image (red square).

Hope someone here knows how to do this.

Thank you and best regards,

Select the terrain, fit the outline in the boundary of the repeating texture, and just check tiling in the shading editor

It cannot be done by editing the UV unless you split the mesh into rectangles, unwrap using them and stack them one on top of another.

partial_repeat.blend (145.5 KB)

thank you very much for your reply and example.
I was afraid that would be the case…
But on the other hand, the terrain mesh was originally perfect squares, so I think I’ll just redo the polygon reducing more carefully now… :slight_smile:

Best regards,


after some experimenting and combining with idea/solution from @Unwave, I have come to alternative solution which works very well in my case. Anyway, if someone else encounters similar problem, here is what I did:

  1. select all edges of the terrain mesh and mark them as seams.
  2. select all mesh faces and do the UV unwrap function (all polygons are now spread separately across the texture iamge)
  3. select all mesh faces and select reset from UV unwrap (all polygons are now in the same spot - overlapping)
  4. select all faces in the UV editor, scale and move them over the desired texture.

Basically what I did is exactly what @Unwave said, except here I didn’t change the mesh and overlapping are triangles and not squares - only half of the texture is used because of this.

This obviously wouldn’t work with textures where random texture seams are not an option, but in my case where there is grass involved, this actually improves the impression of randomness.
See example picture top with and bottom without visible edges: where the polygons are more dense and evenly placed, there is clearly visible that texture repeats. where the polygons are more “random” the grass appears somehow more realistic - there is no indication that there is repeat involved.

Best regards, Pawks