UV Maps, Attributes, Vertex Groups from Face Sets

Originally posted in Big Sculpt Thread but I don’t want it to get lost so I’m making a new thread.

Based on the ‘hack’ by @gakgu I wrote a little Python script that generates various things from sculpt face sets.

Fundamentally what this add-on does is give you the ability to paint face groups whenever you might need it: for separating mesh by materials, geometry nodes, UV unwrapping and etc. It’s up to your imagination.

  1. Face Sets to Materials
    This is the original functionality by gakgu. It creates material slots for each face set, assigns faces from Face Set and gives random color.

  2. Face Sets to UV
    Creates UV islands from face sets, or just seams. There is an option to use custom-set seams with face set boundaries too. It is basically “Draw UV Islands” tool.

  1. Face Sets to Vertex Groups
    Converts Face Sets to Vertex Groups. Every vertex inside the Face Set is assigned to the group with the weight of 1. Could be a quick way to batch create vertex groups by painting them on the surface.

  1. Face Sets to Attribute
    Until Face Set support is added to the Geometry Nodes this can be used. It creates integer named attribute in which each face set is assigned a different value. But of course no real-time updates. If you change face sets you have to recreate the attribute.

Feel free to throw ideas at me. And share what you create if you use those features.



I just tested this with the face set to vertex group and it works fine. would it be possible though, if after modifying the generated vertex group, to then convert that back into face sets?

Might be, I’ll give it a test once I have time

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