UV not showing

I have been learning uv mapping. When I show potato-mode it shows up fine. But when I hit F12 to render my map does not show. :frowning:


It is a little difficult to solve your problem without having your file, but… do you use “tex face” in your material settings? If you don´t, it produces the mentioned problems.

Good speed


Either that (texface) or make sure to use UV (instead of orco) as coordinate input for an ordinary texture - preferably the one you used for the mapping - but set up the normal way, as you would set up a bitmap for sphere or cube mapping.

Thanks for the information. UV does seem to take a long time to learn. I have found out that by changing the nine buttons of XZY in material window, that I can sometimes get my material to show up in the proper way! But it is almost at random. Is there an easy method or tutorial to show how changing the nine XZY changes the way the meterial shows?