UV packing

shotpacker_2.0-beta3-b2.80 is up @Gumroad. Some people were having issues with hidden faces and various selection issues. Hopefully this will fix those. I will spend tomorrow going over all the reports replicating, and squashing any remaining bugs I can find, with possible updates to this.

  • Handles hidden faces in expected ways
  • Packing interruptable with mouse click
  • Quality setting presets
  • Entire packing process can be handled with mouse clicks
  • Better image resolution selection methods
  • Select flipped UV (mirrored)
    …and many more

Ow… This info is new. I haven’t got a mail via gumroad about this update… You should use the system there. :slight_smile: The forums are not my first choice for getting Addon updates.


Many thanks for great features! Any news for 2.82 compatibility? :smiley:

I have tested it on 2.82 and everything seems to work. What’s your issue?

there was an issue with the automatic transfer from 2.8 to 2.82, after deleting old files, its work great, Thanks!

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Firstly, thanks for making such a useful addon!

I’m trying to incorporate shotpacker into an automated workflow for UVs (built in Blender 2.79). I’ve had great success running it within the GUI, but ideally I’d like to run it from a python script launched from the command line. The relevant section of code is as follows:

#unwrap the mesh

#repack the UV using Shotgun Packer
bpy.context.scene.s_packing_overlaptype = ‘off’

#export the model
outname = “unwrap_” + sheet + “.fbx”
outpath = os.path.join(root,‘sheets’,‘unwrapped’,outname)
bpy.ops.export_scene.fbx(filepath = outpath)

From the results, it appears that shotpacker is not doing anything within this code (i.e. the results look identical to if I had just used smart UV project). Additionally, the console is printing out a load of “Invalid Chain!” messages. As mentioned, the addon appears to work fine on the same model when using the GUI.

Can you offer any help?

Many thanks.

Try removing the running=False. If that doesn’t work you can send me an email to the address you received from Gumroad (should be in the reply to field) using the email you used to buy the addon and I can look into it. The invalid chain message is if some geometry is not perfect. UV smart project often does self overlapping UV.

awwwww i search for this thing for ages !!!
This should be basically implemented in blender unvrapping menu that gives basicand sh*tty results !

And WHY didn’t i find your work before ?
Just because there’s no addon federation. All addons are spread around the web and most are useless, as unfindable.

Now i stop my rumble :wink:
It seems you made an awesome work !!!
I definetely have to try this out as i make huge dirt and lightmaps.

Thanks a lot for you work and time and…

happy blending !

Any chance this can be made available on BlenderMarket?

Gumroad has no account system for consumers which makes it very difficult to keep track of what you purchased over there, which makes me not want to purchase from them.

It definitely has an account system. You get a library of purchases and everything.

Yep, https://gumroad.com/library

Really? Last time I checked, their entire UI design screamed that the accounts were only for creators, not for customers (that was a few years ago, though).

But ok, well, I already have most of my purchases for Blender at Blendermarket, so the point in this case remains, I’d prefer to not spread it out across different stores…

EDIT: Yeah, I think I was right. I just created a Gumroad account and the entire account settings screen is littered with options for me as a seller, not buyer. Sorry, I still don’t feel comfortable with this. Gumroad needs to sort out their user experience.

Gumroad will always be better Blender Market since Gumroad doesn’t remove access to your purchases when a creator leaves the store. However, Gumroad does have an issue right now where their site has been changed recently into a mobile only layout that is ugly and is very annoying for desktop use.

You can switch easily.

Huh, well look at that. Guess I’m going to have a split Blender add-on collection from now on…

Will this addon ever get an update? for blender 2.8? Like a real one

The addon is already working with Blender 2.8. However there are some minor bugs that I want to fix before I call it stable. If you are having any issues please send me description and possible error messages so I can fix them.

There is a little bit of an issue after updating to 2.87.2:
When unfolding “Shotpacker Tools” in UV Edit panel, the performance of the whole app starts to lag, folding it back solves the issue

The console panel gives the following repeating error:
Seems like it always runs through some check or draw cycle, that breaks the perfomance (I’m not much of code-guy, but it just feels like something of that kind).

P.S.: this thing isn’t that annoying actually, besides one can just put all the comands on “Quick Favos” or bind them to any favorable shortcuts and never open this tool menu, but still would be nice if it would have gone :3

P.S.S.: commenting out 1018 and 1019 lines (as it’s reported in the error log) fixed the issue, but well, I’m really not sure what “MarkFlipped” stands for.

#row = layout.row()
#row.operator(ShotpackerMarkFlipped.bl_idname, icon=“NDOF_TURN”)

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It seems they removed NDOF_TURN icon from Blender, so if you just delete the icon="NDOF_TURN" part it should work fine. I’ll see if I can get a new release out where that’s fixed, but it may take some time as there’s a lot of stuff that’s added in the current branch and it’s not yet stable.

The MarkFlipped stands for selecting UV islands that are flipped (the UV faces are opposite direction from the mesh faces)

For me that isn’t the only issue. A lot of time the addon just don’t pack my UVs, it is totally random. (I am using blender 2.82.) Plus I don’t really know how to fix/code that tool. I wasn’t a developer…