Uv Texture is still repeating? - Also how to squish Uv maps?

I’m using octane, and I was wondering if it is possible smoosh my Uv’s and turn them into one texture - Exporting to octane requires the meshes to be converted to .obj and .obj can’t have more than one texture on it. And when I set one of my UV’s to just extend it still repeats for some odd reason. I don’t see why it won’t work and I’ve tried it in BI and Octane render mode.

Can’t seem to upload .blend file. So here have some screen shots! Hope this is enough information…

The textured viewport cannot show an extended uv texture. You only see the correct result when rendered

Well I thought that as well, but when I export to render it in octane it still repeats. Not sure if that’s just the exporter though. Should check on octane forum for that.

But is there a way to smoosh down UV textures and just combine them? It would be much easier for me rather than going into photoshop and making a custom texture for the object.

You can bake all your textures (UV or not) to a single new UV texture.

Best wishes,

Oh thank you! That really helps a lot. I had no idea about that. Now all that’s left is to figure out how to stop my textures from repeating before sending it to octane >.>

Well I thought that as well, but when I export to render it in octane it still repeats. Not sure if that’s just the exporter though. Should check on octane forum for that.
How the texture shows up in your final render is a function of the renderer you are using not the exporter. Blender exports the uvs correctly, you need to tell octane not to repeat the texture in octanes settings, if there is such a function.

Sadly not. The Texturing tools in octane aren’t really awesome at the moment. Kinda sad about that. Would make my life so much easier for certain things.