UV Texture Maps Weird

I’m a complete n00b and I’ve just figured out how to texture paint. It looked fine in the 3d window, but when I rendered, it was off. I tried google, but I think I messed it up more. There’s a lot of buttons and if someone could explain that would be great.

Also, is there a tutorial somewhere for making and applying different bump maps to specific regions of a model?

Thanks! :smiley:


In your Material settings, so your have the texture “Map Input” settings set to UV? As for bump maps, you can make another UV map with the texture you want or you can use the steps found here: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Tutorials/Multiple_Materials to apply different materials to different parts of your model.

Oh and Welcome to BA.

Hooray. It maps correctly now! Thank you so much!

I’m thinking bump maps might not be the thing I’m looking for now… I want the skin on my lizard to appear as if it has a bunch of little bumps. Is it bump maps or is there a better way?

Also, when I render, it’s a shiny (like shiny plastic) material. Is there a way to make it more skin-y?

If you want the appearance of a bumping service, you either need a bump map image to load, or use Procedural textures with the Multiple material settings to make the bumps. this should explain it better: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Manual/Bump_and_Normal_Maps

As for the shiny, that is an effect of the Spec shader you are using. See this: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Manual/Specular_Shaders