UV Unwrapping a battery

Hi, I’ve made a simple mesh of an AA battery, and created a texture for it. I’ve finally decided to learn UV unwrapping, but so far it’s not going that well. I’ve attached the texture file as well as the test render (yes, it’s not looking good at all, but I will work on it after I’m done with UV unwrapping :o).

Any idea how to fix that glitch I’ve marked on the render?


AAbattery.blend (119 KB)

I can’t open your blend file at the moment but I suspect you have a subsurf modifier. That causes the effect along the seam. Adding edge loops around the top and bottonm of the batterry will help. Also try and edge split modifier.

Thanks, I’ll try that.


The way I fixed it was:

  1. Mark the loop that was sitting right between the yellow and black part of the battery as ‘sharp’.
  2. Add the edge split modifier, disable the ‘edge angle’ option, and move it above the subsurface in modifier stack.

will post the results as soon as I solve the grainy reflection problem which appeared after adding the edge angle modifier.

Finally got the compositing the way I like. Here’s the final result and the .blend file.


AAbattery.blend (119 KB)

Great idea Branko! This is often problem with UV texturing. Thanks for sharing.

This was actually Richard’s idea. :slight_smile:

Pardon :smiley:

Interesting idea with the edge split.
This can fix the UV distortion but can quickly change the geometry as well.
Not an ideal solution.

What I found it is that to prevent the UV distortion you need to apply the
subdiv modifier and then uv unwrap.

With a denser mesh the uv issue is mainly not present.

I’ll keep that in mind, thanks.