UVmap unproportional, seams don't work out


As you see in the screenshot the UV map on the right doesn’t look proportional.
I also added some seams that made sense for me - so the object should unfold like a box. But the outcome looks tilted and not like one clean piece.

I did “unwrap” after U key. I also checked some options under the UVs dropdown. But it didn’t show any effect.

Thanks for a hint!


Hi outs,

Just prior to unwrapping try pressing F9 and search for UV Calculation tab
in your buttons window, change from Angle Based To Conformal, and try
unwrapping again.

Let me know how you get on?



Thanks, Pixeltwist! The proportions are fine now! That’s great.
Has anyone an idea about the seam problem described above?

No Worries… Can you show me an image showing clearly all of your seams?
or better still if possible a copy of the blend?



Here you go.


berlinwall7.blend (137 KB)

Sorry I am not being clear… An image in edit mode nothing selected just the orange seams showing
up that way I can visualise the seams. You may need more that one image?

It would be easier with a .blend.



Attached above.

Me idiot back soon…


The issue is hidden faces inside of your object.

Just at the top before your cylindrical section are two faces inside the object if you go into
wireframe mode/face select you should be able to easily remove them?



Awesome, Pixeltwist. Thanks for your support! Works!

Glad to hear it works. And anytime you need help just ask… :slight_smile:



My thanks as well. That just cleaned up my UV unwrap (which is impressive for a first try on a mesh with some 1300 polys). Looks much better now. :smiley: