
Hi everyone!

I did this job at the beginning of the year for the folks of Alopra studio, the client is a gas company called Liquigas. My role on the work was the 3D production, from modeling to render. Rendered in Cycles using Pro-Lighting Skies and some lights.

Hope you like and feel free to comment or ask anything. :eyebrowlift:


1 Like

Very good, very professional.

Sensational work.

The character is perfect. Excellent modelling, and lighting also is very good.


Yeah! That is a solid character, wonderfull styling.

Sweet. Really looks like the type of guy who would help me with my propane.

Thank you guys for the comments! :))

Here the other poses we did for the project.


Here some more images.


Looks cool, for a second I thank on a photograph

Nice wires! So clean and well thought

Nice work you have great modeling skills really great character :slight_smile:

Thanks for the comments guys! :))

Muito bom! Parabéns. Muito legal saber que foi feito em Blender!!! :slight_smile: