Vampiro WIP

Hello, I been posting this everywhere else so why not here too :stuck_out_tongue: it’s basically a WIP of a project with blender and makehuman. I’ll post more comprehensive imagery and documentation on my blog, but thought i would share some of that stuff here too.

This image depicts AO baked into the models, so they’ve all had their UV’s layed out as in this image

all UV’s need to be non-overlaping in the visible areas or the bake won’t work (with more than likely other problems down the line). The AO is baked from the high res sculpt and forms the basis of the diffuse maps made in image manipulation app.
the sculpt would look something like this (the checker areas r not sculpted)

using makehuman was a big part of this proj, so i had to decide how to add clothes to the models, was i going to create additional geometry or would i sculpt directly onto the models. in the end i decided for a combo of both of these techniques.

So the models started out looking something like this

The vampiro got his clothes sculpted directly onto his surface geometry. so in order to preserve parts of his already layed out UV’s i separated his head and hands from the rest of the body. as the sculpting required dynamic mode all of that info would have been lost had these components not been separated.
i took a different approach with the damsel, by modelling her dress first.

then performing a cloth dynamics simulation on the model, with animated collision objects to recreate the points of intersection between the two characters. i’m generally never satisfied with a cloth sim straight out of the box, so once the sim is baked i use dynamic sculpting mode to clear it’s history and convert it to a simple mesh for further sculpting. i then added the frilly clothing and with more modelling, no sim and dynamic sculpting.
you can see the frills in this pic

while sculpting i render and check the composition
making notes on what needs to change and what need to be added or trashed. like this

alot of this stuff changes as things progress

until i’m satisfied with the final composition, then i lock every thing into this shot. bear in mind this has nothing to do with animation and is mainly relevant to a single frame.
more research and experiments finally lead me to p[SUB]o[/SUB]i[SUP]n[/SUP]t [SUB]o[/SUB]f n[SUP]o[/SUP] r[SUB]e[/SUB]t[SUP]u[/SUP]rn

Very Nice!!! I have to say this is a very good render. I don’t know if you are going for the darker more post apocalypse scene or a just-sacrifised-my-life-to-save-the-world type scene. If you are going for the first one. I would say make the white light in the background darker, more menacing, maybe even black.

Maybe not black “light”, but a void of sorts.

Hahaha, yars indeed more blak! personally, i prefer the ‘i’m about to have my gf for supper’ look.
black lights now why didn’t i think of that :wink:

Looking great so far!

Very nice, I would give her clothes some gravity. Maybe have part of her dress fold over his hands a bit, because as of right now she looks rather stiff for such a pose.

@Jonathan L Thanks :slight_smile:
@DarkLimit Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile: I see what you’re saying abt the clothes but I’m not convinced that adding more folds is going to enhance the physical properties of the look of the fabric. Personally I feel that the stiffness is a current side-effect of the AO pass creating the impression that the cloth is very thick. The clothing is infact going to be semi-transparent , which will remove the thick feeling the AO pass is creating at present. In fact I currently feel like the fabric is too soft looking, as lacey type fabrics bend with quite sharp edges, so the stiffness is intended the thickness of the AO pass is not (and is what is going to subsequently be removed) :slight_smile:

Oh, this is amazing, the movement is still there!
Keep the good work up!

Thanks megastor! good to know it feels like there is movement in the image.

Interesting though I wouldn’t call it a vampire - there is actually no legend of vampires possessing wings, the concept was at the very least beginning to warp with Stoker’s Dracula whom could turn into a bat and became totally deranged with modern fiction - as more an incubus.

Incubus are demons = wings. That and the setting is a tad sexual, again incubus.

It’s either that or you’re going to have to move the male character forwards and show some fangs. The general concept is there however without a dead on indicator that that is supposed to be a vampire it looks like a demon-winged vagabond and/or outlaw than a vampire to me at least.

@KuroOokami, no problems dude it’ll all be ok :slight_smile:

a straight up AO pass reveals several texture anomalies, which will be cloned out with 3D clone paint. It was the best giff89a ever when Blender got this tool :_)