Variable amount of properties determined at runtime

Perhaps I’m misunderstanding but it sounds as though

the object already has materials applied and you just don’t know how many prior to loading a specific object.

You shouldn’t need additional properties for this. Granted the below is specifically looking for a principled bsdf shader and adjusting the default base color; but the concept of accessing the active objects material properties remains the same.

object material colors

import bpy

class TESTADDON_PT_Main(bpy.types.Panel):
    bl_idname = "TESTADDON_PT_Main"
    bl_label = "Test Addon"
    bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D"
    bl_region_type = "UI"
    bl_category = "Test"

    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        col = layout.column(align=True)
        if context.object and context.object.material_slots:
            obj = context.object
            obj_mats = [m.material for m in obj.material_slots]
            for mat in obj_mats:
                if mat and mat.use_nodes:
                    bsdf = mat.node_tree.nodes.get("Principled BSDF")
                    row = col.row(align=True)
                    row.prop(bsdf.inputs['Base Color'],

def register():

def unregister():

if __name__ == "__main__":