Vector Blur (bug)?

Hello everybody, While I was trying to make an animation with softbody and vector blur node, I noticed that the softbody animation was weired, it moves just like a rigid body, while it worked well without the vector blur

Here’s a blend file to show this: first hit (alt+A) to see the softbody in action it just perfect, render the anim without compositor, then do the same with the compositor activated … and compare .

any suggestions ? any ideas ? :confused:

good blending .

I don’t know about the bug, but your blendfile makes me want to learn about softbodies! That is so cool! Did you learn it from a specific source?

Under the Soft Body panel, you need to BAKE the simulation. With how much movement you have, you’ll probably want to use a small interval (like 1 or 2).

BTW, it looks cool - and I’m glad to see that vector blur can handle complex movements like that.

RobCozzens thanks a lot. Actualy I never used that button (bake settings), so no bug at all. :o
I rendred the animation with vector blur and it’s simply PERFECT. :slight_smile:

thanks blenditall, I learned some from the tuts:
see for example :
and (this is a list of links to tutorials for blender,but some are in french ).
the best IMHO is this one: (but it is in french).
and of course don’t forget the tutorial list here in blenderartists.

Thanks for the info. I’ll get reading ASAP!:smiley:
Edit: I know french by the way, so that doesn’t matter :slight_smile: